It seemed long to wait with her heart thumping so, and why did it

thump? She found herself praying, "O God, show me what to say!" and

then the door was open a crack and a sharp wizened face with a striking

resemblance to Cherry's bold little beauty, was thrust at her. It must

be Cherry's mother. Of course it was!

"Mr. Fenner ain't in the shop!" said the woman, "He can't do nothin

to-day. He's sick!"

Marilyn smiled: "But I wanted to see Cherry," she said, "Aren't you her

mother? Don't you remember me? I'm Marilyn Severn, her old music

teacher. Is Cherry in?"

A frightened look passed over the woman's face as she scanned the sweet

face before her, and then a wily expression darted into her eyes: "Oh," she said with a forced smirk, "Yes, Miss Marilyn. Excuse me fer

not recognizing you. You've grown a lot. Why no, Cherry ain't at home

this morning. She'll be awful sorry not to see you. She thought a lot

of you, she did. She got on so well with you in her music too. I says

to her the other day, I says Cherry, I hear Miss Marilyn is home again,

you'll have to take up yer music again, and she says yes, she guessed

she would. She'll be round some day to see you. Sorry I can't ask you

in, but Mr. Fenner's pretty sick. Oh, just the grip I guess. He'll soon

be all right."

She began to realize that the woman was in a hurry to get rid of her

and she hastened away, relieved yet puzzled at the whole affair. She

rode down into the village mechanically and bought a spool of silk and

the coffee strainer which had been her legitimate errand to the

village, and turning back had scarcely passed the last house before she

saw the Chief's car coming toward her, and Mark, his face white and

haggard, looking out from the back seat. He drew back as he recognized

her, and tried to hide, and she rode on with only a passing bow which

comprehended the whole car; but she was aware of Mark's eyes upon her,

steadily, watching her. She would have known he was watching her from

the darkness of the back seat if her own eyes had been shut. What was

it all about and what were they doing to Mark? Copyright 2016 - 2025