As I drove rapidly up to the house from Casanova Station in the hack, I

saw the detective Burns loitering across the street from the Walker

place. So Jamieson was putting the screws on--lightly now, but ready

to give them a twist or two, I felt certain, very soon.

The house was quiet. Two steps of the circular staircase had been

pried off, without result, and beyond a second message from Gertrude,

that Halsey insisted on coming home and they would arrive that night,

there was nothing new. Mr. Jamieson, having failed to locate the

secret room, had gone to the village. I learned afterwards that he

called at Doctor Walker's, under pretense of an attack of acute

indigestion, and before he left, had inquired about the evening trains

to the city. He said he had wasted a lot of time on the case, and a

good bit of the mystery was in my imagination! The doctor was under

the impression that the house was guarded day and night. Well, give a

place a reputation like that, and you don't need a guard at all,--thus

Jamieson. And sure enough, late in the afternoon, the two private

detectives, accompanied by Mr. Jamieson, walked down the main street of

Casanova and took a city-bound train.

That they got off at the next station and walked back again to

Sunnyside at dusk, was not known at the time. Personally, I knew

nothing of either move; I had other things to absorb me at that time.

Liddy brought me some tea while I rested after my trip, and on the tray

was a small book from the Casanova library. It was called The Unseen

World and had a cheerful cover on which a half-dozen sheeted figures

linked hands around a headstone.

At this point in my story, Halsey always says: "Trust a woman to add

two and two together, and make six." To which I retort that if two and

two plus X make six, then to discover the unknown quantity is the

simplest thing in the world. That a houseful of detectives missed it

entirely was because they were busy trying to prove that two and two

make four.

The depression due to my visit to the hospital left me at the prospect

of seeing Halsey again that night. It was about five o'clock when

Liddy left me for a nap before dinner, having put me into a gray silk

dressing-gown and a pair of slippers. I listened to her retreating

footsteps, and as soon as she was safely below stairs, I went up to the

trunk-room. The place had not been disturbed, and I proceeded at once

to try to discover the entrance to the hidden room. The openings on

either side, as I have said, showed nothing but perhaps three feet of

brick wall. Copyright 2016 - 2025