The night is come, no fears disturb

The sleep of innocence

They trust in kingly faith, and kingly oath.

They sleep, alas! they sleep

Go to the palace, wouldst thou know

How hideous night can be;

Eye is not closed in those accursed walls,

Nor heart is quiet there!


'Young gentlemen,' said Sir Francis Walsingham, as he rose from

dinner on the Saturday, 'are you bound for the palace this


'I am, so please your Excellency,' returned Berenger.

'I would have you both to understand that you must have a care of

yourselves,' said the Ambassador.

'The Admiral's wound has justly

caused much alarm, and I hear that the Protestants are going

vapouring about in so noisy and incautious a manner, crying out for

justice, that it is but too likely that the party of the Queen-

mother and the Guise will be moved to strong measures.'

'They will never dare lay a finger upon us!' said Sidney.

'In a terror-stricken fray men are no respecters of persons,'

replied Sir Francis. 'This house is, of course, inviolable; and,

whatever the madness of the people, we have stout hearts enough

here to enforce respect thereto; but I cannot answer even for an

Englishman's life beyond its precincts; and you, Ribaumont, whom I

cannot even claim as my Queen's subject--I greatly fear to trust

you beyond its bounds.'

'I cannot help it, sir. Nay, with the most grateful thanks for all

your goodness to me, I must pray you not to take either alarm or

offence if I return not this night.'

'No more, my friend,' said Walsingham, quickly; 'let me know

nothing of your purposes, but take care of yourself. I would you

were safe at home again, though the desire may seem inhospitable.

The sooner the better with whatever you have to do.'

'Is the danger so imminent?' asked Sidney.

'I know nothing, Philip. All I can tell is that, as I have read

that dogs and cattle scent an earthquake in the air, so man and

women seem to breathe a sense of danger in this city. And to me

the graciousness with which the Huguenots have been of late treated

wears a strangely suspicious air.

Sudden and secret is the blow

like to be, and we cannot be too much on our guard. Therefore

remember, my young friends both, that your danger or death would

fall heavily on those ye love and honour at home.'

So saying, he left the two youths, unwilling to seek further

confidence, and Berenger held his last consultation with Sidney, to

whom he gave directions for making full explanation to Walsingham

in his absence, and expediting Mr. Adderley's return to England. Copyright 2016 - 2024