But he swallowed the bitter knowledge and said: "If you undertake to hold the dog, Miss Maxwell, I will bind his paw."

"Oh, my ducky darling little pet! Did I actually forget all about his

dear wounded little foot? And he came hopping in so bravely, too,

carrying himself with such a grand air. Come, then, Joey dear! Let us

see what has happened. Yes, this is the doctor, but he won't hurt you.

He is so good and kind to little dogs; he will wrap up the bleedy part

until it is quite nice and comfy."

"Your only patient, doctor," said the captain, cheerily, when Elsie had

done fondling the dog. "Even crediting our poor fireman to the enemy's

score, we have had the best of the first round."

"Is there any likelihood of a second attack?"

"I hope not. Indeed, I shall be very much surprised if they show up


"Ah, that is excellent. Our young lady here does not thrive on

excitement, especially of the murderous variety. She is on the verge

of a high fever."

"Then she can calm down now; there will be no more fighting to-day,"

said Courtenay, with a smiling glance at Elsie which told her quite

plainly that Christobal did not really know what he was talking about.

Which goes to prove that even a prudent man may say mistaken things,

with both his tongue and his eyes.

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