"What's the time?"

"Nearly dinner-time."

He burst out laughing.

"Didn't you think I was going to sleep forever?" he said.

"Almost," her voice said.

He wondered a little why she did not come to him, but only answered him

from a distance.

"I'll dress and be out in a moment," he called.

"All right!"

Now that Maurice was awake at last, Hermione's grief at the lost

afternoon became much more acute, but she was determined to conceal it.

She remained where she was just then because she had been startled by the

sound of her husband's voice, and was not sure of her power of

self-control. When, a few minutes later, he came out upon the terrace

with a half-amused, half-apologetic look on his face, she felt safer. She

resolved to waste no time, but to tell him at once.

"Maurice," she said, "while you've been sleeping I've been living very

fast and travelling very far."

"How, Hermione? What do you mean?" he asked, sitting down by the wall and

looking at her with eyes that still held shadows of sleep.

"Something's happened to-day that's--that's going to alter everything."

He looked astonished.

"Why, how grave you are! But what? What could happen here?"

"This came."

She gave him the doctor's telegram. He read it slowly aloud.

"Artois!" he said. "Poor fellow! And out there in Africa all alone!"

He stopped speaking, looked at her, then leaned forward, put his arm

round her shoulder, and kissed her gently.

"I'm awfully sorry for you, Hermione," he said. "Awfully sorry, I know

how you must be feeling. When did it come?"

"Some hours ago."

"And I've been sleeping! I feel a brute."

He kissed her again.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"Just to share a grief? That would have been horrid of me, Maurice!"

He looked again at the telegram.

"Did you wire?" he asked.


"Of course. Perhaps to-morrow, or in a day or two, we shall have better

news, that he's turned the corner. He's a strong man, Hermione; he ought

to recover. I believe he'll recover."

"Maurice," she said. "I want to tell you something."

"What, dear?"

"I feel I must--I can't wait here for news."

"But then--what will you do?"

"While you've been sleeping I've been looking out trains."

"Trains! You don't mean--"

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