Gaspare stirred in the boat, lifted his head from his arms and looked

sleepily around him. He saw Salvatore lighting a pipe, bending forward

over a spluttering match which he held in a cage made of his joined

hands. He glanced away from him still sleepily, seeking the padrone, but

he saw only the empty seats of the boat, the oars, the coiled-up nets,

and lines for the fish.

"Dove--?" he began.

He sat up, stared wildly round.

"Dov'è il padrone?" he cried out, shrilly.

Salvatore started and dropped the match. Gaspare sprang at him.

"Dov'è il padrone? Dov'è il padrone?"

"Sangue di--" began Salvatore.

But the oath died upon his lips. His keen eyes had swept the sea and

perceived that it was empty. From its silver the black dot which he had

been admiringly watching had disappeared. Gaspare had waked, had asked

his fierce question just as Maurice threw up his hands and sank down in

his travesty of death.

"He was there! Madonna! He was there swimming a moment ago!" exclaimed


As he spoke he seized the oars, and with furious strokes propelled the

boat in the direction Maurice had taken. But Gaspare would not wait. His

instinct forbade him to remain inactive.

"May the Madonna turn her face from thee in the hour of thy death!" he

yelled at Salvatore.

Then, with all his clothes on, he went over the side into the sea.

Maurice was an accomplished swimmer, and had ardently practised swimming

under water when he was a boy. He could hold his breath for an

exceptionally long time, and now he strove to beat all his previous

records. With a few strokes he came up from the depths of the sea towards

the surface, then began swimming under water, swimming vigorously, though

in what direction he knew not. At last he felt the imperative need of

air, and, coming up into the light again, he gasped, shook his head,

lifted his eyelids that were heavy with the pressure of the water, heard

a shrill cry, and felt a hand grasp him fiercely.

"Signorino! Signorino!"

"Gaspare!" he gulped.

He had not fully drawn breath yet.

"Madonna! Madonna!"

The hand still held him. The fingers were dug into his flesh. Then he

heard a shout, and the boat came up with Salvatore leaning over its side,

glaring down at him with fierce anxiety. He grasped the gunwale with both

hands. Gaspare trod water, caught him by the legs, and violently assisted

him upward. He tumbled over the side into the boat. Gaspare came after

him, sank down in the bottom of the boat, caught him by the arms, stared

into his face, saw him smiling. Copyright 2016 - 2024