"So it does, Robin; but canst tell me what it was that made you look so

dull, and astonishingly religious after the hop, step, and jump you took

through the hollow oak?"

"Ah, master!"

"Well, Robin----"

"Why, you see, when I sprang through, 'thinking of nothing at all,' as

the song says, I found myself on the opposite side of the tree,

close--as close as I am to you, or nearly so--to----" As Robin had

proceeded thus far with his recital, a sudden turn brought them to the

high road, which led into a kind of hollow, flanked on either side by

close brushwood. About a hundred yards from where they stood, three men

were engaged in violent feud. The scene, at such a moment, and in such a

place, seemed produced by the wave of a magician's wand. The Cavalier

rubbed his eyes, as if to be assured of its reality; while Robin stood

aghast, bewildered, and uncertain how to act:--the moon was shining in

all its brightness, so that they could see as clearly as at noon-day.

"By heaven, 'tis two to one!" exclaimed the youth, casting off his

cloak, and unsheathing his rapier with the rapidity of lightning.

"So it is!" gasped Robin; "but two to such a one! Save us, sir! you're

not going to draw sword for him--?" But ere the sentence was concluded,

his companion was in the thick of the fray. "Oh!" exclaimed Robin, as in

agony, "that I should live to see true blood stirred in such a

cause!--How he lays about him! Poor boy, he little knows who's who! What

a noble thrust! hand to hand--how their swords glitter!--A murrain on

my shrivelled carcase! they would but laugh to see me among them! O that

I could be even with Nature, and hate her as she has hated me! Yet, to

be thus without a weapon!--Ah! one murderer's down, and the arch-fiend

with him--now are they entwined as with the coil of deadly serpents.

Treacherous dog! the other would take advantage; but, ah! well done,

gallant young gentleman!--he holds him back with most wonderful

strength--And now--see, see--the combatants are separated--one stands

over the other! Oh God! oh God! how he stabs!--hold! hold! Now, could

the moon show through those deadly wounds, twenty at the least count;

and only one such would let the life from out Goliath, or the strongest

man in Gath.--But see, the other shows a fleet foot; and that silly boy

flies after him! Alack! that he will not learn discretion! There they

go, across the fields, and not towards the ferry."

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