"No, I can't."

"Can you understand one glorying in the tempest that may destroy

her, riding a fierce horse that may crush her, or being attracted

by a will strong and masterful, before which all must yield or


"I think I can."

"Then," said Charmian, "this man is strong and wild and very

masterful, and so--I ran away with him."

"And do you--love him?"

We walked on some distance ere she answered: "I--don't know."

"Not sure, then?"


After this we fell silent altogether, yet once, when I happened

to glance at her, I saw that her eyes were very bright beneath

the shadow of her drooping lashes, and that her lips were

smiling; and I pondered very deeply as to why this should be.

Re-entering the cottage, I closed the door, and waited the while

she lighted my candle.

And, having taken the candle from her hand, I bade her "Good

night," but paused at the door of my chamber.

"You feel--quite safe here?"

"Quite safe!"

"Despite the color of my hair and eyes--you have no fear of

--Peter Smith?"


"Because--he is neither fierce nor wild nor masterful!"

"Because he is neither fierce nor wild," she echoed.

"Nor masterful!" said I.

"Nor masterful!" said Charmian, with averted head. So I opened

the door, but, even then, must needs turn back again.

"Do you think I am so very--different--from him?"

"As different as day from night, as the lamb from the wolf," said

she, without looking at me. "Good night, Peter!"

"Good night!" said I, and so, going into my room, I closed the

door behind me.

"A lamb!" said I, tearing off my neckcloth, and sat, for some

time listening to her footstep and the soft rustle of her

petticoats going to and fro.

"A lamb!" said I again, and slowly drew off my coat. As I did

so, a little cambric handkerchief fell to the floor, and I kicked

it, forthwith, into a corner.

"A lamb!" said I, for the third time, but, at this moment, came a

light tap upon the door.

"Yes?" said I, without moving.

"Oh, how is your injured thumb?"

"Thank you, it is as well as can be expected."

"Does it pain you very much?"

"It is not unbearable!" said I.

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