"Then the cures of Christ were not miracles?"

"No more so than any great and noble work is a miracle."

"And do you," inquired my companion, removing his pipe from his

lips, and staring at me very hard, "do you believe that Jesus

Christ was the Son of God?"

"Yes," said I, "in the same way that you and I are, and the

Quack-salver yonder."

"But was He divine?"

"Surely a mighty thinker--a great teacher whose hand points the

higher way, whose words inspire Humanity to nobler ends and aims,

is, of necessity, divine."

"You are a very bold young man, and talk, I think, a little


"Heterodoxy has been styled so before, sir."

"And a very young, young man."

"That, sir, will be amended by time." Here, puffing at his pipe,

and finding it gone out, he looked at me in surprise.

"Remarkable!" said he.

"What is, sir?"

"While I listened to you I have actually let my pipe go out--a

thing which rarely happens with me." As he spoke he thrust one

hand into his pocket, when he glance slowly all round, and back

once more to me. "Remarkable!" said he again.

"What now, sir?"

"My purse has gone again!"

"What!--gone!" I ejaculated.

"Vanished!" said he, and, to prove his words, turned inside out

first one pocket and then the other.

"Come with me," said I, springing up, "there is yet a chance that

we may possibly recover it." Forthwith I led him to where had

stood a certain gayly-painted caravan, but it was gone--vanished

as utterly as my companion's purse.

"Most annoying!" said he, shaking his venerable head, "really

most exasperating--I particularly wished to secure a sample of

that fellow's pills--the collection of quack remedies is a fad of

mine--as it is--"

"My purse is entirely at your disposal, sir," said I, "though,

to be sure, a very--" But there I stopped, staring, in my turn,

blankly at him.

"Ha?" he exclaimed, his eyes twinkling.

"Yes," I nodded, "the rascal made off with my purse also; we are

companions in misfortune."

"Then as such, young sir, come and dine with me, my habitation is

but a little way off."

"Thank you, sir, but I am half expecting to meet with certain

good friends of mine, though I am none the less honored by your


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