"Begone this instant, I say, or by Heaven--"

The unfeeling man here drew out a concealed pistol, and pointed it

at his preserver.

"Merciful Heaven! and is it thus that services are acknowledged in


"The watch is at no great distance, I need only raise my voice and--


"Hell and confusion! do you take me for a robber, then?"

"Make no noise, I tell you. Be quiet--you had better."

"Hark you, signor. Buonarotti is your name, I think? I will write

it down as belonging to the second scoundrel with whom I have met in


He paused for a moment, then continuing in a dreadful voice, "And

when," said he, "thou, Buonarotti, shalt hereafter hear the name of


Abellino turned away, and left the hard-hearted Venetian.

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