Kells purled out a suspended breath and he flung the sweat from his

brow. There was about him, perhaps more than the others, a dark

realization of how close the call had been for Pearce.

"Jim, you're not drunk?"


"But you're sore?"

"Sure I'm sore. Pearce put me in bad with you, didn't he?"

"No. You misunderstood me. Red hasn't a thing against you. And

neither he nor anybody else could put you in bad with me."

"All right. Maybe I was hasty. But I'm not wasting time these days,"

replied Cleve. "I've no hard feelings. ... Pearce, do you want to

shake hands--or hold that against me?"

"He'll shake, of course," said Kells.

Pearce extended his hand, but with a bad grace. He was dominated.

This affront of Cleve's would rankle in him.

"Kells, what do you want with me?" demanded Cleve.

A change passed over Kells, and Joan could not tell just what it

was, but somehow it seemed to suggest a weaker man.

"Jim, you've been a great card for me," began Kells, impressively.

"You've helped my game--and twice you saved my life. I think a lot

of you. ... If you stand by me now I swear I'll return the trick

some day. ... Will you stand by me?"

"Yes," replied Cleve, steadily, but he grew pale. "What's the


"By--, it's bad enough!" exclaimed Kells, and as he spoke the shade

deepened in his haggard face. "Gulden has split my Legion. He has

drawn away more than half my men. They have been drunk and crazy

ever since. They've taken things into their own hands. You see the

result as well as I. That camp down there is fire and brimstone.

Some one of that drunken gang has talked. We're none of us safe any

more. I see suspicion everywhere. I've urged getting a big stake and

then hitting the trail for the border. But not a man sticks to me in

that. They all want the free, easy, wild life of this gold-camp. So

we're anchored till--till ... But maybe it's not too late. Pearce,

Oliver, Smith--all the best of my Legion--profess loyalty to me. If

we all pull together maybe we can win yet. But they've threatened to

split, too. And it's all on your account!"

"Mine?" ejaculated Cleve.

"Yes. Now it's nothing to make you flash your gun. Remember you said

you'd stand by me. ... Jim, the fact is--all the gang to a man

believe you're double-crossing me!" Copyright 2016 - 2025