She answered she had been told that it was a preserving powder to keep the vases safe during the shipping stage The prosecuting team questioned her about various trips and where they went to get the antiques.

She gave them not just the timeline that they needed but enough to put him and his goons in prison for life away with the help of the testimoney from his other assistant the professior who broke the news about what was going on with the family. Then they called the forensic team as witnesses who told how they figure out when

​Professer Durst past away with a gunshot wound in the treehouse. Her testimoney and the other lasted a good month or so then the jury convened and had a lot of evidence to go throw and finally after another month of diliberations they found Mr. Salvatorie guilty on several charges but mainly on the death of his son and the professor and rackateering then on the drugs the jury found him not guilty due to there wasn't enough evidence that he himself was involved.


​ The US Marshall's plane was waiting to take Audrey and Cassie to their new home in the European country of Switzerland. She knew she had all of the money she needed to raise her little sweetheart under the name that the US government gave her.They also gave her an unusual gift. The gift of love with Mr. AJ Corbit .Not a person but a german shepherd who was more dependable than Nicholas ever could be Copyright 2016 - 2025