Audrey settled down in Missouri at an RV park by a lake and she loved going to the little store plus taking Cassie for walks in her stroller on the paths. The shower stalls was big enough to push the stroller in then lock the door then push it back against the door and take her shower. Sometimes it took awhile for the water warm enough and she would sit there ready a story to Cassie. She was growing like a little weed. She needed to get Cassie her shots but not even with a bitfh certificate she wasn't sure how to achive that goalShe decided to go sight seeing around that little town and saw a brohure about the catholic church giving free shots out to the illegal communityso she thought maybe that would be safe. She parked and went in with cassie and explained that she had the baby at home and never wad able to get her a birth certicate. That made the people in charge suspicious thinking she had either kidnap Cassie or running away with the baby against court ordes and called the police

The police came and ran a check on her. It came baxk squeaking clean and the clinic went ahead and did the series of shots that Cassie needed When Audrey walked out she left a fairly good size donation. She drove through one of the fast food places and ordered Cheeseburger, fries, and a diet cola. She stayed there at three different sites and the last one was a site that you just had to turn to pull right out, She had a little farther to walk to the shower room and laundry room . Every day she felt a little more secure. Every day sometimes more than once a day she was taking Cassie for walks around the camping area Copyright 2016 - 2025