They could tell somone had been living there Jack asked Connie if she as letting anyone stay there.Connie replied no.She told him that things hadn't been so great to her for a few years now. She confided in him that she saw her father's ghost but oldermthan she remembered every so often when she drove by but he never turns around and waves at me liked he did when he as alive.

Then she stated I know my doctor says it really isn't his ghost it's in my mind. I see my doctor when it really gets to me and he has me on a medicine that suppose to help but it doesn't Jack. I know my dad wouldn't just up and leave my mother and me and a sucide note. Shortly after that my mother locked the doors then we moved then a couple of years ago after she died I moved back and that is when I started seeing him when I drive by. Jack he's got to be dead or he would be here.

That is the only thing that I do know for sure. I have been told that I need to get it cleaned up that is why nobody has bought it and if I don't do it soon the city is going to condemn it and tear it down. The next day Jack went to the real estate company and bought it lock stock and barrel. Connie recieved a call from the real estate company that a man had bought the old H&C service station and wanted her to meet him there with the keys and he was going to get it looking good again. The lady called the city and informed them that the old service station had been sold and the new owner was in the process of getting right on it to clean it and fix it up to an operating station again. Copyright 2016 - 2025