The memories came rushing in like a bowling ball hitting every pin as hard as it could. He cried like a baby. He really loved her with all of his heart and he had a terrific relationship with his soon to be parents in law. The next day Jasmine and him stopped by the floral shop and bought three bouquet of flowers and went to the cemetery . He placed the flowers on their grave stones and knelt down by Allison and tears came rushing down his cheeks. Jasmine acted as though knew she laid down at the end of Allison's grave and whinned like she was her final goodbyes. Within a month he did get a check from them to fix his house

​ The Harrison Law Group called him and needed him to get a copy of all three death certificates so they could issue him a check because he was the beneficiary on all three life insurances. He went to the county court house and picked up their death certificates then faxed them to the company. When he came out of the court house he was met there by Allison's ex boyfriend who decided to have a brawl in front of the camera that was being monitored from inside. At first the police again didn't want to do the rightl thing with Allison's ex boyfriend. He was one of their own officers but being caught on tape and a state patrol officer who also witnessed the attack they had to arrest the officer. .. Copyright 2016 - 2025