​ When they walked in the chief had him all cleaned up and even gotten him a new outfit. He told all of them that a Chad Wadsworth and Connie's mother had a thing going on and was going to kill him for his inurance money so he left the house and Chad had followed him out of the house and into the road and was going to kill him. Chad had hit him and he fell down then he hit him with a baseball bat and rolled his body down into a revine.

​ Later he woke up so he decided to leave and since his policy didn't cover sucide he wrote that letter and mailed it to Connie's mother. The old man said it doesn't matter anymore I don't have my garage this man has it now. Connies asked her daddy if he remembered the young man who he considered as a son. He said yes. Connie told him do you remember his name and he said Jack Samuels and I did feel as though he was my son even though I had only you.

Connie said daddy this is Jack and yes he bought the station instead of it being condemned and tore down. He just smiled and told Connie he remembered her having a thing for Jack and she smiled and admitted that she still had a thing for him. Her father asked which house was he going to. Connie said back home but you don't have anything to worry about mom died two years ago.and nobody is going to hurt you again.

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