On the doorstep I met Hollingsworth. I had a momentary impulse to hold

out my hand, or at least to give a parting nod, but resisted both.

When a real and strong affection has come to an end, it is not well to

mock the sacred past with any show of those commonplace civilities that

belong to ordinary intercourse. Being dead henceforth to him, and he

to me, there could be no propriety in our chilling one another with the

touch of two corpse-like hands, or playing at looks of courtesy with

eyes that were impenetrable beneath the glaze and the film. We passed,

therefore, as if mutually invisible.

I can nowise explain what sort of whim, prank, or perversity it was,

that, after all these leave-takings, induced me to go to the pigsty,

and take leave of the swine! There they lay, buried as deeply among

the straw as they could burrow, four huge black grunters, the very

symbols of slothful ease and sensual comfort. They were asleep,

drawing short and heavy breaths, which heaved their big sides up and

down. Unclosing their eyes, however, at my approach, they looked dimly

forth at the outer world, and simultaneously uttered a gentle grunt;

not putting themselves to the trouble of an additional breath for that

particular purpose, but grunting with their ordinary inhalation. They

were involved, and almost stifled and buried alive, in their own

corporeal substance. The very unreadiness and oppression wherewith

these greasy citizens gained breath enough to keep their life-machinery

in sluggish movement appeared to make them only the more sensible of

the ponderous and fat satisfaction of their existence. Peeping at me

an instant out of their small, red, hardly perceptible eyes, they dropt

asleep again; yet not so far asleep but that their unctuous bliss was

still present to them, betwixt dream and reality.

"You must come back in season to eat part of a spare-rib," said Silas

Foster, giving my hand a mighty squeeze. "I shall have these fat

fellows hanging up by the heels, heads downward, pretty soon, I tell


"O cruel Silas, what a horrible idea!" cried I. "All the rest of us,

men, women, and livestock, save only these four porkers, are bedevilled

with one grief or another; they alone are happy,--and you mean to cut

their throats and eat them! It would be more for the general comfort

to let them eat us; and bitter and sour morsels we should be!"

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