But, in an obscure corner of the saloon, there was a little Picture

excellently done, moreover of a ragged, bloated, New England toper,

stretched out on a bench, in the heavy, apoplectic sleep of

drunkenness. The death-in-life was too well portrayed. You smelt the

fumy liquor that had brought on this syncope. Your only comfort lay in

the forced reflection, that, real as he looked, the poor caitiff was

but imaginary, a bit of painted canvass, whom no delirium tremens, nor

so much as a retributive headache, awaited, on the morrow.

By this time, it being past eleven o'clock, the two bar-keepers of the

saloon were in pretty constant activity. One of these young men had a

rare faculty in the concoction of gin-cocktails. It was a spectacle to

behold, how, with a tumbler in each hand, he tossed the contents from

one to the other. Never conveying it awry, nor spilling the least

drop, he compelled the frothy liquor, as it seemed to me, to spout

forth from one glass and descend into the other, in a great parabolic

curve, as well-defined and calculable as a planet's orbit. He had a

good forehead, with a particularly large development just above the

eyebrows; fine intellectual gifts, no doubt, which he had educated to

this profitable end; being famous for nothing but gin-cocktails, and

commanding a fair salary by his one accomplishment. These cocktails,

and other artificial combinations of liquor, (of which there were at

least a score, though mostly, I suspect, fantastic in their

differences,) were much in favor with the younger class of customers,

who, at farthest, had only reached the second stage of potatory life.

The staunch, old soakers, on the other hand men who, if put on tap,

would have yielded a red alcoholic liquor, by way of blood usually

confined themselves to plain brandy-and-water, gin, or West India rum;

and, oftentimes, they prefaced their dram with some medicinal remark as

to the wholesomeness and stomachic qualities of that particular drink.

Two or three appeared to have bottles of their own behind the counter;

and, winking one red eye to the bar-keeper, he forthwith produced these

choicest and peculiar cordials, which it was a matter of great interest

and favor, among their acquaintances, to obtain a sip of.

Agreeably to the Yankee habit, under whatever circumstances, the

deportment of all these good fellows, old or young, was decorous and

thoroughly correct. They grew only the more sober in their cups; there

was no confused babble nor boisterous laughter. They sucked in the

joyous fire of the decanters and kept it smouldering in their inmost

recesses, with a bliss known only to the heart which it warmed and

comforted. Their eyes twinkled a little, to be sure; they hemmed

vigorously after each glass, and laid a hand upon the pit of the

stomach, as if the pleasant titillation there was what constituted the

tangible part of their enjoyment.

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