As if understanding her look, Charles chained her to the round bar table in the tiny dining room. She remained on her feet. He left, and she waited.

Jonny's claim she had something to trade for his blackmail scheme made her touch the bite scars at her neck. A day with Charles and the vamps was challenging and interesting.

Being the Black God's food source?

She'd rather be Tasered a hundred times over than experience the helplessness when he incapacitated her and the piercing fire of his fangs.

"Charles said you did well." Jonny's soft voice came from the direction of the porch.

Unable to sense him, she wasn't certain if he'd been there since she walked in or not. "Hmmm. That's not exactly what he told me."

"He's a critical teacher." Jonny stepped into the room. "If he can teach me to fight, he can mold anyone."

Ashley didn't feel up for small talk, not when she knew what was coming. Her heart was pounding faster than when she fought the vamps earlier and she was self-conscious of how Jonny was gazing at her - steadily, intently. Like the predator he was. She'd never really understood this about him before now. "How often do you kill your vamps?" she asked.

"Only when they disobey. I have a couple of capitol offenses," he replied, unfazed by the question.

How did I ever think this was the same guy? She studied him. Quiet power radiated off him. He approached, and she found herself backing away for the first time since they'd met.

"What are they?" she asked in the tense quiet, too aware of the warmth blooming in her cheeks.

"My catch-and-release protocol. They can drink blood but never kill a human."

"Hmm. What about me?"

"I had to make up a special rule for you."

She started to smile and stopped herself. "You're going to let me try to find Brandon."

"I'm going to let you fight with my vamps against the rogues," he replied.

"And you'll find Brandon."

"He's not my first priority," Jonny said, gazing down at her steadily. "But, yes, I will have a team work on finding him in exchange for you keeping your end of the bargain."

"Fair enough." Not about to show weakness despite her weariness, she drew a deep breath. "Let's get this over with." Ashley tugged her braid over the side of her neck and turned her back to him. She waited, hating the suspense and apprehension roiling within her.

"You understand your position, Ash?" His body heat grew nearer.

Her heart raced. "You can't let me go, so now I have to fight for you and feed you. As long as you find Brandon, I don't care what you do to me, Jonny." Copyright 2016 - 2024