His second in command, Charles, shifted, and Jonny took the subtle hint to offer a carrot he didn't really want to.

"If you don't believe me, then I'll agree to a trial period," he added. "Six months."

"So you do want a truce," said Damian.

"Not a truce, a trial," Jonny replied. "My goal is to change the relationship vamps have with humans. Make it more sustainable and give vamps a chance not to spend their lives hunted down and treated like animals." He gave the Original Human a pointed look.

"Never really took you for the idealistic type," Damian replied. He glanced at Xander.

Jonny had the sense the two were talking in their heads to one another. It irked him how he was treated like someone who didn't have a clue when he had spent five years in his position, four of which were at war with the Others. He knew his domain inside and out after the daily updates about finances, resources, loss of life, and compromised locations.

More importantly, he had learned how to use his power, how to crush the human side of him that was viewed as weakness by the predators he led. Vamps were accustomed to violence. It was the only language they really understood. While that might one day change, for now, he had to speak to them and discipline them in a way they respected.

In the end, it was about the survival of his people, and Jonny was sworn to do whatever it took to ensure that happened, no matter how high the personal cost to him.

"Six months," Damian said. "If we catch any of your vamps fucking with Guardians or humans beyond what we deem acceptable as part of the catch-and-release program, they're killed on the spot."

Jonny almost sighed in relief. He was looking forward to some rest and recovery time. "Fine," he agreed.

"This is a mistake," said the Original Human, her frown deep.

"Vote," the Grey God suggested. "All in favor of letting Jonny run his own shit … hands up."

The Grey God, Xander and the Original Immortal voted with Jonny. The White God and Original Human voted against.

"You get your chance, Jonny. Good luck," Damian said. The White God turned and strode away, trailed by the Originals and the Grey God.

Jonny didn't sigh until they had disappeared. He wiped his face, exhausted, and observed the movement of his vamps in the plains around them. The numbers appeared even smaller than usual, and he shook his head, hating that he'd lost so many.

"Ikir," said Charles, Jonny's second-in-command. He referred to him using the immortal word denoting a king or god, an ancient tradition left over from the time when the immortal world existed.

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