Charles or Jonny had to have had an inkling she was going to search for Brandon the moment she hit the ground. Ashley didn't have a chance to orient herself let alone determine whether her brother was nearby. The Traveler on her team dropped them into the middle of a nest of vamps hiding out in an abandoned cabin in the forest.

Fortunately the creatures were caught unaware. She'd hacked down three of them before the others had scrambled to grab their weapons. The Guardians with her fought with unity and discipline, and she broke away from them, her speed putting her ahead of everyone.

Reaching a pocket of quiet, Ashley drew a deep breath and gazed around her. She was using the knife Jonny gave her, less because she needed it and more because she felt honored he had given it to her.

Jonny cared on some level, even if he hadn't said such aloud. It didn't confuse her like she thought it would. If anything, knowing - finally - she wasn't the only one affected by their relationship settled some of her doubt and fear.

The sound of fighting died out behind her, and she turned to see the last of the vamps surrounded by the Guardians.

"Alive, as requested," one of them told her.

She went to the injured creature and bent down beside it. "My brother," she said. "I want to know where he is."

The dazed vamp stared at her without speaking.

She drew the knife Jonny had given her and lifted it. "We can do this the hard way or the harder way," she said. "Tell me what I want to know, and we'll give you Jonny's form of mercy."

The vamp shifted uneasily.

"Natural." Charles brusque address came at the wrong time.

"Not now, Charles," she said and leaned around the vamp to see him.

The Guardians were bristling, but they didn't attack, instead parting for the Black God's second in command to approach.

"I have a lead on your brother," Charles said. "I lost a vamp. Leave your lackeys and come with me."

She stood without hesitation. "You have a Traveler?"

"You shouldn't leave without us," one of the Guardians warned. "Naturals won't last long with vamps."

"Don't you start with me," she said and shot the speaker an annoyed look. "I've been fighting with these guys for a week now. I definitely don't need you defending me."

"Dusty said -"

"To do what I tell you," she snapped. "So. Do what I tell you!"

The Guardian backed down but not before he glanced at another of this teammates. She had the sense their orders weren't exactly what Dusty said they were, but she wasn't about to let Guardian or vamp get in her way. Copyright 2016 - 2024