"What is it with you people and interrogating me over the dinner table?" she retorted without heat. "Xander always does this."

Dusty gave a faint smile and returned to eating. "So that's a yes."

"I was with Jonny to find Brandon, and Valon, the ring leader of a the rogue vamps, decided to kick my ass because I was killing too many of his vamps. That's it."


She waited for him to say more. Dusty was silent. Xander had tried this on her, too, peaked her interest then dropped something, knowing she'd ask.

"Fine. Why is that good?" she asked.

"Because you don't belong with him."

Her heart skipped a beat. "That's not for anyone but me to decide."

"Funny. He said the same thing when Damian came knocking at his door last week."

"He's right. For once." She tapped her spoon against the side of the bowl. If it were true she had to pick sides, she wasn't going to do it now, before she knew Brandon's fate. The coordinates she'd memorized flashed through her thoughts, and she debated whether or not there was any use in going to them now that Valon had almost succeeded in killing her and knew she wasn't going to hurt Jonny.

"If you want to find your brother, I'll give you a team to do it," Dusty said. "Unlimited support and funds."

She stared at him. "Just like that. You'll give me whatever I want?"

"Yep. I have a feeling Jonny needs help but isn't going to ask for it."

"What's the catch?"

"After you find him, you work for me."

Ashley thought only for a moment. It was a similar offer to what Jonny had given her without the blood sucking or sleeping around. She was beginning to think Xander was right to be suspicious of the Guardians. But to have her own team, to be in control of how and where she searched for her brother, was too much to pass up. Brandon was suffering as it was, and she didn't want to know what Valon did to him after she pissed him off at the factory.

When it came to Brandon, there was never a choice.

"I have conditions," she said reluctantly.


"You don't object to me working with Jonny to find Brandon. He has a way of tracking the vamps and Valon. Second, Brandon gets to make his own choice about whether or not to join up. Third, no questions asked. I get to go wherever I want with my team," she said.


Ashley blinked, expecting him to negotiate. Were they that determined to gain her support? Or was this their way of outflanking Xander, which seemed to be a goal of White and Black Gods?

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