Charles was present smelling of sweat and vamp blood. "New Taser," he said and lifted the device.

Jonny wanted to smile but didn't. His second's methods had definitely made an impact on Ashley. Charles was shrewd like that, another reason Jonny trusted him. "I got it tonight," he said. "She's not coping well."

"The other raids were successful?"

"Very," Jonny replied. "No sign of Valon, but with the massacre at the warehouse, we took out over a hundred of his vamps tonight."

"He won't take that well."

"I'm counting on him finding me at some point," Jonny said confidently. "I'm pulling Ashley off the raids."

Charles studied him. "May I speak my opinion freely, ikir?"

Jonny gave a single nod of his head.

"If she fights like she did tonight, she's more effective than an entire raid party."

Jonny crossed his arms.

"I will always defer to your decision, ikir," Charles added. "She's undisciplined and barely understands how to work on a team. She is, in every way, a potential liability."

"You just said you want her to go back out."

"You should know the risk before you decide. She did what would take ten of my vamps to do and in a quarter of the time. She killed most of the vamps you saw and all of the ones you didn't see in the bunker," Charles continued. "I want her because she's the best fighter we have, possibly the best fighter the Guardians have, too. But I know putting her out there also attracts more danger. Using her is high risk."

"We're used to high risk situations."

"I don't mean high risk to us, ikir."

It dawned on Jonny that his second was uncharacteristically dancing around a topic rather than outright addressing it. "If you think I am influenced by Xander or anyone else to spare her, I am not," he said, perturbed. "I've done what was fair."

"You've done what was best for everyone involved, as always," Charles agreed. "The men understand after tonight why you spared her. She saved their lives and mine. They don't question you or your actions. Neither do I. That said, you are entitled to protect your best asset when you feel the situation warrants it. You're entitled to be a little selfish sometimes."

"There's no room for my selfishness," Jonny snapped.

Charles didn't so much as blink. "Be that as it may, you should know the risk to her before you send her out again."

"I'll consider your advice as always, Charles, and I'll act in such a way as benefits my people."

Charles bowed his head.

"Go eat and rest," Jonny said. Copyright 2016 - 2024