When the two vamps had stopped moving, she assessed her situation swiftly.

No regret or fear or anything that might discourage her emerged. She was glad the vamps were dead and proud to have been the one to end them. For all she knew, they had hurt her brother.

And no one who hurt Brandon was going to make it through this.

Ashley strode into the hallway towards the barracks area where she heard someone getting his ass beaten. She didn't need to look to know it was Hector on the ground. As soon as she set foot in the barracks, she was a flurry of lethal activity. Hacking, stabbing, slashing. She was too quick for her first few vamps to have the chance to attack her. One managed to scrape her arm but paid for it instantly with his life.

Within seconds, everyone but her and Hector was dead.

"'Bout time," he complained and got to his feet. "I got nothing else out of him. What did you find?"

"I don't want to talk about it," she said in a strained voice. "What orders did Charles give next?"

"He got cut off. They were fighting last I heard up on the -"

She whirled and sprinted through the hallways of the underground bunker. Ashley took the stairs two at a time and dashed into the open bay. The dark side remained silent. Her emotions close to breaking, she raced to the doors dividing the warehouse in two and pulled one open. Stepping into the north bay, it took all of two seconds for her to figure out Charles and his remaining four men had been captured by around thirty vamps.

She needed to dance, to keep active, to block the fear and guilt about to break over her and prevent her from doing anything but crying for her brother. Ashley did the only thing she knew to do. With an infuriated battle cry, she launched at the vamps approaching her. She began to fight. This time, she didn't care about holding back her weapons or moves to spare the lives of those around her. This time, she fought to kill.

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