“From the first moment you stepped foot in our offices, you caught my eye. We sparred and traded barbs and it was fun, but I wasn’t ready yet.

“But then at the Christmas party last year we kissed—”

The crowd went aww and Tori heated as she blushed.

“And it all came so fast for me I didn’t know what to do about it, or how I felt about this feisty redhead who called me on all my—bs.”

The crowd laughed.

“I’ve always shied away from commitment. Everyone in this town knows my reputation. I liked my freedom and I figured someday I’d settle down, but I never knew when that would be. I always figured when the right woman came along.

“Well, the right woman came along, only I didn’t know it, until you came into my life. That was you, and I knew it for certain that night a year ago at the Christmas party. There’s been no one but you since that night, and there will never be anyone but you.”

Tori’s heart squeezed, and the dark part of her that had given up hope began to let a tiny sliver of light shine in.

He met her gaze straight on, and she saw the truth in his eyes.

“Tori, you’ve always been the best part of me, and the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You asked me once who I confided in when I needed someone to talk to about the bad things. I realized that person has always been you. Those months when you weren’t talking to me were pure hell, because I realize you’ve always been my confidant, the one I go to when I have a bad day.

“You soothe me, make me feel better. You’re my best friend, my lover, and the woman I want in my life, always and forever.

“I love you, Tori.”

She gasped out a sob and ran to him. He hopped off the car and grabbed her in his arms, his mouth coming down on hers in a searing kiss that told her so much more than words ever could, because she tasted his tears in that kiss, too.

“I love you, Brody,” she said. “I love you.”

“Forgive me,” he said, his words barely audible amidst the horns hooking and the sirens and the clapping of the crowd.

She laughed at the sounds. “You’re forgiven.”

He turned to the crowd and grinned. “Go away. I need some privacy with my woman.”

They all cheered again, then Brody embraced Tori in his arms and sealed the deal with one hell of a public display of affection.

Chapter Fourteen

At Brody’s insistence, Tori moved out of her horrible apartment and into his house the day after his very public announcement of his love for her, something she would likely remember until her dying day.

They spent Christmas at his family’s house, something she’d missed last year. This year, she wasn’t alone. She had his family—her family—at her side. And she had Brody. She was Brody’s girlfriend, and as the gifts were handed out, the very last gift was Brody, on bended knee, very publicly in front of his entire family proposing marriage to her.

She hadn’t expected it. Brody did things on his own terms, and on his own timeline. He’d explained to her his issues with his family pushing and prodding him about his relationship with her, which had caused him to act like a dumbass. She’d understood his issues, and she’d forgiven him—again.

She’d expected they’d live together for a while. Possibly a long while, knowing Brody’s issues with commitment. And God, she’d have been so content to do just that, to just be with him.

So his proposal had been very unexpected, causing tears to flow down her cheeks. But she’d very enthusiastically nodded and accepted on the spot, because she loved him with all her heart, and not once would she ever doubt his love and commitment to her.

Because he was the best thing in her life, and always would be.

“Surprised?” he asked her sometime later Christmas night after all the gifts had been opened and all the food had been consumed. They sat in his parents’ kitchen, having a quiet moment of alone time together after a day of madness and family.

She laced her fingers with his. “Understatement. I didn’t think you were ready for this.”

“For what? This?” he asked, tracing her ring. “I’m more than ready for it. I’ve been ready for it. It took almost losing you to realize it.” He pulled her off the kitchen bar stool and onto his lap.

“I don’t want to be without you anymore, Tori. You belong with me. In my house—in our house—our lives entwined, forever. I’ve wasted enough time not making the commitment I should have made to you a long time ago.”

Her heart squeezed, so filled with love for him. “This doesn’t seem real.”

He brushed his lips across hers. “It’s real. For both of us.”

She kissed him back. “I’m sorry I wasted so much time with my insecurities. A whole year.”

“So it’s your fault.”

She laughed and pressed into him. “I needed you to really want me.”

“Babe. I’ve really wanted you for a long time.”

“But you weren’t ready until now.”

“You might be right about that. I think the timing was perfect. You needed to get past your trust issues, and I needed to grow up a bit. Now, we’re right where we need to be.”

She batted back the tears that overwhelming happiness brought. He swiped one away that drifted down her cheek.

“Happy ones, I hope?”

She smiled and nodded. “The happiest ones.”

“You’re not going to go all sweet and nice on me now, are you? My brothers will kill me if you undergo some personality change. They won’t know how to deal with you.”

She laughed. “No fear of that. I’m still the same old me, Brody. Bossy, opinionated, and sometimes downright mean, especially at the office, where I’ll run roughshod on you three like I always have.”

“Good, because that’s the you I fell in love with.” He stood, placed her on her feet and kissed her soundly. “Let’s go watch Christmas movies with our family.”

Our family. She had a true family now. Beginning with this man she loved. And it would only grow from there.

The best was yet to come.

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