On Sunday, according to invitation, as I told you, we dined with the

Argents--and were entertained by them in a style at once most splendid,

and on the most easy footing. I shall not attempt to describe the

consumable materials of the table, but call your attention, my dear

friend, to the intellectual portion of the entertainment, a subject much

more congenial to your delicate and refined character.

Mrs. Argent is a lady of considerable personal magnitude, of an open and

affable disposition. In this respect, indeed, she bears a striking

resemblance to her nephew, Captain Sabre, with whose relationship to her

we were unacquainted before that day. She received us as friends in whom

she felt a peculiar interest; for when she heard that my mother had got

her dress and mine from Cranbury Alley, she expressed the greatest

astonishment, and told us, that it was not at all a place where persons

of fashion could expect to be properly served. Nor can I disguise the

fact, that the flounced and gorgeous garniture of our dresses was in

shocking contrast to the amiable simplicity of hers and the fair

Arabella, her daughter, a charming girl, who, notwithstanding the

fashionable splendour in which she has been educated, displays a

delightful sprightliness of manner, that, I have some notion, has not

been altogether lost on the heart of my brother.

When we returned upstairs to the drawing-room, after dinner, Miss

Arabella took her harp, and was on the point of favouring us with a

Mozart; but her mother, recollecting that we were Presbyterians, thought

it might not be agreeable, and she desisted, which I was sinful enough to

regret; but my mother was so evidently alarmed at the idea of playing on

the harp on a Sunday night, that I suppressed my own wishes, in filial

veneration for those of that respected parent. Indeed, fortunate it was

that the music was not performed; for, when we returned home, my father

remarked with great solemnity, that such a way of passing the Lord's

night as we had passed it, would have been a great sin in Scotland.

Captain Sabre, who called on us next morning, was so delighted when he

understood that we were acquainted with his aunt, that he lamented he had

not happened to know it before, as he would, in that case, have met us

there. He is indeed very attentive, but I assure you that I feel no

particular interest about him; for although he is certainly a very

handsome young man, he is not such a genius as my brother, and has no

literary partialities. But literary accomplishments are, you know,

foreign to the military profession, and if the captain has not

distinguished himself by cutting up authors in the reviews, he has

acquired an honourable medal, by overcoming the enemies of the civilised

world at Waterloo.

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