Soon after the receipt of the letters which we had the pleasure of

communicating in the foregoing chapter, the following was received from

Mrs. Pringle, and the intelligence it contains is so interesting and

important, that we hasten to lay it before our readers:-


Mrs. Pringle to Miss Mally Glencairn


MY DEAR MISS MALLY--You must not expect no particulars from me of our

journey; but as Rachel is writing all the calamities that befell us to

Bell Tod, you will, no doubt, hear of them. But all is nothing to my

losses. I bought from the first hand, Mr. Treddles the manufacturer, two

pieces of muslin, at Glasgow, such a thing not being to be had on any

reasonable terms here, where they get all their fine muslins from Glasgow

and Paisley; and in the same bocks with them I packit a small crock of

our ain excellent poudered butter, with a delap cheese, for I was told

that such commodities are not to be had genuine in London. I likewise

had in it a pot of marmlet, which Miss Jenny Macbride gave me at Glasgow,

assuring me that it was not only dentice, but a curiosity among the

English, and my best new bumbeseen goun in peper. Howsomever, in the

nailing of the bocks, which I did carefully with my oun hands, one of the

nails gaed in ajee, and broke the pot of marmlet, which, by the jolting

of the ship, ruined the muslin, rottened the peper round the goun, which

the shivers cut into more than twenty great holes. Over and above all,

the crock with the butter was, no one can tell how, crackit, and the

pickle lecking out, and mixing with the seerip of the marmlet, spoilt the

cheese. In short, at the object I beheld, when the bocks was opened, I

could have ta'en to the greeting; but I behaved with more composity on

the occasion, than the Doctor thought it was in the power of nature to

do. Howsomever, till I get a new goun and other things, I am obliged to

be a prisoner; and as the Doctor does not like to go to the

counting-house of the agents without me, I know not what is yet to be the

consequence of our journey. But it would need to be something; for we

pay four guineas and a half a week for our dry lodgings, which is at a

degree more than the Doctor's whole stipend. As yet, for the cause of

these misfortunes, I can give you no account of London; but there is, as

everybody kens, little thrift in their housekeeping. We just buy our tea

by the quarter a pound, and our loaf sugar, broken in a peper bag, by the

pound, which would be a disgrace to a decent family in Scotland; and when

we order dinner, we get no more than just serves, so that we have no cold

meat if a stranger were coming by chance, which makes an unco bare house.

The servan lasses I cannot abide; they dress better at their wark than

ever I did on an ordinaire week-day at the manse; and this very morning I

saw madam, the kitchen lass, mounted on a pair of pattens, washing the

plain stenes before the door; na, for that matter, a bare foot is not to

be seen within the four walls of London, at the least I have na seen no

such thing. Copyright 2016 - 2025