Though Edna had spoken of the dinner as a very grand affair, it was

in truth a very small affair and very select, in so much as the guests

invited were few and were selected with discrimination. She had counted

upon an even dozen seating themselves at her round mahogany board,

forgetting for the moment that Madame Ratignolle was to the last degree

souffrante and unpresentable, and not foreseeing that Madame Lebrun

would send a thousand regrets at the last moment. So there were only

ten, after all, which made a cozy, comfortable number.

There were Mr. and Mrs. Merriman, a pretty, vivacious little woman in

the thirties; her husband, a jovial fellow, something of a shallow-pate,

who laughed a good deal at other people's witticisms, and had thereby

made himself extremely popular. Mrs. Highcamp had accompanied them. Of

course, there was Alcee Arobin; and Mademoiselle Reisz had consented

to come. Edna had sent her a fresh bunch of violets with black lace

trimmings for her hair. Monsieur Ratignolle brought himself and his

wife's excuses. Victor Lebrun, who happened to be in the city, bent upon

relaxation, had accepted with alacrity. There was a Miss Mayblunt, no

longer in her teens, who looked at the world through lorgnettes and with

the keenest interest. It was thought and said that she was intellectual;

it was suspected of her that she wrote under a nom de guerre. She had

come with a gentleman by the name of Gouvernail, connected with one of

the daily papers, of whom nothing special could be said, except that he

was observant and seemed quiet and inoffensive. Edna herself made the

tenth, and at half-past eight they seated themselves at table, Arobin

and Monsieur Ratignolle on either side of their hostess.

Mrs. Highcamp sat between Arobin and Victor Lebrun. Then came Mrs.

Merriman, Mr. Gouvernail, Miss Mayblunt, Mr. Merriman, and Mademoiselle

Reisz next to Monsieur Ratignolle.

There was something extremely gorgeous about the appearance of the

table, an effect of splendor conveyed by a cover of pale yellow satin

under strips of lace-work. There were wax candles, in massive brass

candelabra, burning softly under yellow silk shades; full, fragrant

roses, yellow and red, abounded. There were silver and gold, as she had

said there would be, and crystal which glittered like the gems which the

women wore.

The ordinary stiff dining chairs had been discarded for the occasion and

replaced by the most commodious and luxurious which could be collected

throughout the house. Mademoiselle Reisz, being exceedingly diminutive,

was elevated upon cushions, as small children are sometimes hoisted at

table upon bulky volumes.

"Something new, Edna?" exclaimed Miss Mayblunt, with lorgnette directed

toward a magnificent cluster of diamonds that sparkled, that almost

sputtered, in Edna's hair, just over the center of her forehead. Copyright 2016 - 2024