"Yes, we have heard of such things."

"I came back full of vague, mad intentions. And when I got here--"

"When you got here you never came near me!" She was still caressing his


"I realized what a cur I was to dream of such a thing, even if you had

been willing."

She took his face between her hands and looked into it as if she would

never withdraw her eyes more. She kissed him on the forehead, the eyes,

the cheeks, and the lips.

"You have been a very, very foolish boy, wasting your time dreaming of

impossible things when you speak of Mr. Pontellier setting me free! I

am no longer one of Mr. Pontellier's possessions to dispose of or not.

I give myself where I choose. If he were to say, 'Here, Robert, take her

and be happy; she is yours,' I should laugh at you both."

His face grew a little white. "What do you mean?" he asked.

There was a knock at the door. Old Celestine came in to say that Madame

Ratignolle's servant had come around the back way with a message that

Madame had been taken sick and begged Mrs. Pontellier to go to her


"Yes, yes," said Edna, rising; "I promised. Tell her yes--to wait for

me. I'll go back with her."

"Let me walk over with you," offered Robert.

"No," she said; "I will go with the servant." She went into her room to

put on her hat, and when she came in again she sat once more upon the

sofa beside him. He had not stirred. She put her arms about his neck.

"Good-by, my sweet Robert. Tell me good-by." He kissed her with a degree

of passion which had not before entered into his caress, and strained

her to him.

"I love you," she whispered, "only you; no one but you. It was you who

awoke me last summer out of a life-long, stupid dream. Oh! you have made

me so unhappy with your indifference. Oh! I have suffered, suffered! Now

you are here we shall love each other, my Robert. We shall be everything

to each other. Nothing else in the world is of any consequence. I must

go to my friend; but you will wait for me? No matter how late; you will

wait for me, Robert?"

"Don't go; don't go! Oh! Edna, stay with me," he pleaded. "Why should

you go? Stay with me, stay with me."

"I shall come back as soon as I can; I shall find you here." She buried

her face in his neck, and said good-by again. Her seductive voice,

together with his great love for her, had enthralled his senses, had

deprived him of every impulse but the longing to hold her and keep her.

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