Outside the building, David led the group back to the square. Their helicopter was gone.

He turned to Janus. “What’s the plan? We can’t beat them to Germany—they’re too far ahead of us.”

“There is an alternative,” Janus said. “If we can get there in time.”

“The Knights have a plane,” Milo said. “Can you fly it, Mr. David?”

“I can fly anything,” David said. Landing had sometimes been an issue, but he didn’t mention that. There was no need to worry them.

Dorian watched the sea below turn to land. Italy. Soon they would cross into Germany, and they would reach the portal shortly after.

The plague had crushed continental Europe. NATO had folded early, offering their resources to the humanitarian effort. Nothing could stop him now.

Kate opened her eyes. Dorian stared at her.

She didn’t blink now. She wasn’t scared of him any more. She knew who he was, and she knew who she was. History wouldn’t repeat itself.

“Everything okay, Kate?” Dorian asked sarcastically.

She matched his tone. “I’m good.”

The helicopter touched down a half hour later, and Dorian dragged her out, onto the ground.

Humvees circled the portal, which glistened, giving off wisps of white light into the cold silent night.

They passed the Humvees and Kate saw the dead soldiers lying on the ground. Plague victims. The German government must have dispatched troops to investigate the portal, but they had fallen sick. Those that hadn’t died must have fled.

Dorian dragged her toward the glowing portal.

“Stay with me,” he called behind him, to Shaw. “It closes behind us.”

As Shaw pulled up even, the three of them crossed the threshold, and they were standing in a different place.

To Kate, it felt like the corridors in the tombs in Antarctica. But the hallways here were more narrow. She knew this place. It was her ship—the deep space transport that had brought her and Janus here.

Kate tried to take a breath, but she found that she couldn’t inhale fully. Dorian’s eyes flashed on her, but before he could say anything, air began rushing into the space. Did the ship recognize Kate? Was it coming back to life for her? Yes, that was it.

Dorian tugged at her arm, yanking her down the dimly lit hallway.

He paused at an intersection. He seemed to be trying to remember where he was going. Or had gone?

“This way,” he said.

The soft beads of light from the floor and ceiling seemed to grow brighter. No, Kate realized she was just getting used to the darkness.

Another change was gradually setting in. She was adjusting. The last memory, her death in Antarctica at Ares’, or Dorian’s, hands had changed her.

Kate had always had trouble relating to others. She never fully “got” people. She desperately wanted to have fulfilling personal relationships, but it never happened naturally for her. It had always been work.

She had assumed that this personal desire had drawn her to autism research, to seek a cure for people who lacked the brain wiring for understanding social cues and managing language. She now knew her motivation was much more than that.

Dorian had been right: she wasn’t great at reading people. She was easily misled. But now the game was strategy, and she knew the history. She knew the players. And she knew how it would unfold. She was smarter than he was, and she would win.


Outside Ceuta

David had pushed the plane to its max speed. There was no risk of exhausting its fuel.

On the horizon, Ceuta came into view. David activated the radio and began conversing with air control. The rail guns could easily blow the plane out of the sky, and he wasn’t exactly sure what sort of response he would get. He didn’t have any alternatives.

The response was swift. “You are cleared for landing, Mr. Vale.”

David’s landing was bumpy at best, but it didn’t evoke a reaction from either of his passengers. They were on the ground, and they were alive. And so was Kate, as far as he knew. One step at a time.

As David, Janus, and Milo exited the aircraft, David spotted a convoy approaching the airfield. He subconsciously tightened his grip on his assault rifle.

The convoy stopped, and the door of the lead Humvee swung open. The Berber chief, the same one who had branded him days earlier and helped him take the base, stepped out and sauntered over to him. A smile spread across her face.

“I thought perhaps that I would never see you again.”


She grew serious. “Have you returned to resume your command?”

“No. Just passing through. I need a jeep.”

Fifteen minutes later, David was driving recklessly toward the hills where he had emerged, days earlier, when he’d left the Atlantean ship wearing an Immari colonel’s uniform.

“I don’t know where the entrance is,” David called back to Janus.

“I’ll direct you,” Janus replied.

They drove on for what felt like an eternity to David. The slope grew steeper and the rocky terrain more treacherous. With each passing second, he imagined his chances of rescuing Kate slipping away.

Finally, Janus tapped his shoulder. “Stop here.”

David pulled up next to a steep rock face. Before he’d even come to a complete stop, Janus bounded out and started striding purposefully ahead. David and Milo hopped out and tried to catch up.

“What’s the plan, Janus?” David shouted ahead. Janus had refused to share any real details of his plan on the plane ride, and that made David nervous.

“We’ll get to that,” Janus called back. He turned a corner, and when David cleared the turn, the scientist was gone. David spun around, searching. The rock face of the mountain to his left looked like the one he had emerged from, but David wasn’t sure.

“Hey!” David called. He ran to the rock face and felt it. It was solid. He paced back and forth. Milo merely stood there, as if he were waiting in line for something.

“Janus!” David screamed. Janus had betrayed him. This was his plan all along—

Janus emerged right out of the solid rock, and as he did so, the projection of the rock face dissolved behind him. “I had to disable the forcefield. Follow me.”

“Oh. Well, you could have…” David shook his head and fell in behind Janus, who led them down the tunnel the cube had carved—the path David had followed out. They took the same elevator David had used.

During David’s time here, all the doors had been locked. Now they opened as the three men approached.

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