“Who should we have look at it?”

Sanders thought for a moment. “Who was the cagey scientist, Chang?”

“He’s on a plague barge in the Mediterranean—”

“No, not him. The nuclear guy.”


“Yes. Have him look at it. Tell him to report his findings directly to me.”


Old Town District

Marbella, Spain

The green gas was as thick as fog now, and Kate could only see a few meters in front of her. She simply followed Martin, hoping he knew where he was going and that they would find shelter soon. He had stopped inspecting the windows of the stores: he simply charged on as fast as he could now, carrying Surya. Adi’s head rested on Kate’s shoulder, and she kept her arms wrapped tightly around him. Every few seconds, he jerked slightly as he coughed.

The gas stung her eyes and left a bit of a metallic taste in her mouth. She wondered what it was, what it was doing to them.

Ahead, Martin abruptly turned to the right, into a small courtyard. A white plaster church stood at the end, and Martin raced to its heavy wooden door. As they approached it, Kate inspected the stained-glass windows. The desperate citizens of Marbella hadn’t broken them.

Martin threw the door open, and Kate and the boys rushed in. He closed it just as the first wisps of green gas drifted through.

Kate set Adi down and practically collapsed. She was completely drained, too sapped to even survey the cathedral. She used her last bit of strength to pull the cloth from Adi’s and Surya’s faces and give each of the boys a quick inspection. They were tired, but otherwise okay.

She turned away, walked to the closest wooden pew and stretched out. A few minutes later, Martin was there, hovering over her with a protein bar and a bottle of water. She took both, ate a bit, drank a little, then closed her eyes slowly and drifted off to sleep.

Martin watched Kate sleep while he waited for the secure chat connection to activate.

The chat window expanded and a line of text popped up.

Station 23.DC> Status?

Station 97.MB> Dire. Immari invasion of Marbella underway. Trapped. Have Kate as well as Beta-1 and Beta-2. Safe for now. Not much longer. Request immediate exfil. Cannot wait. Current loc: Church of Saint Mary.

Station 23.DC> Standby

Station 23.DC> Field team report from Present-2 hrs: outside Marbella. Town gassed, but dissipating. Will be at Rendezvous Loc at 0900 local time. /END REPORT/ NOTE: team consists of 5 heavily armed soldiers in Spanish military uniforms.

Martin leaned back and exhaled. Maybe they had a chance. He glanced over at Kate. She twisted and grimaced. She was having a nightmare, and sleeping on the hard wooden pew probably didn’t help, but it was the best Martin could do for her. He knew she would need the rest.

Kate was dreaming, but it felt so real to her. She was in Antarctica again, in the tombs of Atlantis. The shimmering gray walls and beady lights at the floor and ceiling sent a shiver through her. The place was quiet, and she was alone. Her footsteps echoed loudly, startling her. She looked down. She was wearing boots—and a uniform of some kind. Where was David? Her father? The boys?

“Hello?” she called out, but her words only echoed through the cold empty space.

To her left, a large set of double doors parted, sending light into the dim hallway. She stepped through the door and scanned the room. She knew this room. She had seen it before in Antarctica. The room had held a dozen tubes, each standing on end, each holding a different human ancestor, a specimen from one of the human subspecies. But only half the tubes were full now. Where had the other bodies gone? What did it mean?

“We’re getting more test results.”

Kate turned quickly, but before she could see the face, the room disappeared.


Immari Operations Base Prism


Dorian knew the room—it was the same interrogation room where he had detained Kate Warner before she had escaped. Someone had added an interrogation chair—what could have been a dentist’s chair with thick straps at the feet, wrists, and chest. The soldiers had strapped him in so tight he could barely breathe. He shook his head, trying to clear it. The grogginess from the gas wouldn’t seem to pass. Why had his people turned on him? Had the portal opened again? Had another Dorian Sloane walked out with another story? Or another case? Had the case Dorian carried out exploded?

Dorian didn’t have to wait long for an answer. The door swung open and a smug man strolled in, two Immari special forces soldiers at his side. Dorian knew the man. What was his name? Sanford? Anders? Sanders. That was it. He was a middle manager, in Immari Capital, Dorian thought. The look on Sanders’ face told Dorian what this was: a power struggle. The revelation sent relief through Dorian’s body. He could handle a power struggle.

Dorian inhaled a shallow breath, but his adversary spoke first. “Dorian. Long time no see. How the hell are ya?”

“We don’t have time for this—”

He nodded knowingly. “Right. Atlanteans. Waking up. Coming out. We’re on it.”

“There’s something down there that controls the ship inside. We need to destroy it from the outside.”

Sanders walked closer to Dorian, scrutinizing him, inspecting him. “What did they do to you? I mean, you look great. Almost like new. Smooth skin. You’ve really shaken off that used up, rode hard and put away wet look you wore so poorly.”

This was Sanders’ plan—to humiliate Dorian, to show whoever was watching through the glass that Sanders was in charge and that Dorian was no threat. Dorian strained against the chest strap, trying desperately to lean forward. He practically spat his words. “Listen to me very closely, Sanders. You’re going to release me, and we’ll forget all about this. If you don’t, I swear to you, I will rip you open and drink your blood while I watch you die.”

Sanders jerked his head back, raised his eyebrows, held the expression for a long moment, then laughed out loud. “My God, what did they do to you, Dorian? You’re actually crazier than you were before. Who knew that was possible?” He paced away from Dorian and turned back, his expression serious again. “Now, I want you to listen to me very closely, because this is what’s actually going to happen. You’re going to stay strapped in that chair, where you’ll wiggle and shout more crazy stuff. Then we’re going to drug you, after which you’ll tell us everything that happened down there, and when we’re done with you, we’re going to throw your limp body down that hole where you’ll freeze to death, which is a better death than my predecessor gave your crazy daddy.”

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