“It was Death. To save me and Lark.”

Excitement shone in Joules’s gaze. “He eliminated one from his own alliance. He’ll be weaker now. Unless you really are Ogen’s replacement?”

I pinched the bridge of my nose, accepting I’d never get through to these people about Aric. And could I truly vouch for him anyway? “Joules, will you help me rescue Jack?”

“For all we know, you’ll go get cozy with Vincent and Violet, just like you did with Death and Lark. My alliance won’t touch this. We came here to do a job. Job got canceled. We leave tomorrow.”

Though Gabriel and Tess hadn’t said a word, I sensed they wanted to help. But Joules was like their all-powerful labor leader.

“If you’re a mercenary, then what else can I pay you?” I studied his face, trying to gauge my opponent and gain an advantage—like perceptive Jack often did. “Come on, Joules. Everybody wants something.”

Death had desired me in his bed; Selena desired Jack. Lark longed to live past her teens. Ogen had hungered for sacrifices on an altar.

Joules was impossible to read, like a bubbling cauldron. Tess was an open book, but I saw nothing for me to use. Mysterious Gabriel had a poker face.

“All I want is Death’s head.” Because Aric had killed Joules’s girlfriend (in self-defense). “Seems I might get it anyway. He’ll be comin’ after you. Just like the other games.”

The unstoppable Endless Knight. I shivered.

“And we’ll be waitin’.” Joules rose to leave, twirling that javelin, skirting around Cyclops.

Chewing a fingernail, Tess followed. “Sorry, guys.”

Gabriel hesitated at the tent flap. “Farewell.” His gaze flicked to Selena and back so fast, I almost missed the yearning in his green eyes.

A few months ago, I’d suspected his attraction to the stunning Archer, but his feelings had grown. How to use this?

He exited, leaving me with Selena, Finn, and Matthew.

In a defeated tone, Selena said, “You don’t know what it did to J.D., imagining how Death was hurting you.”

“I have a good idea, since I was out of my mind worrying about him taking on the Lovers’ army and other Arcana. I can just as easily blame you three for his capture!”

“J.D. wouldn’t see reason.” She retrieved that arrow, petting the flights as if for comfort. “He was crazed for months; then you just abandoned him.”

Finn exhaled a long breath. “Look, Eves, I’m sorry about the rough welcome. If you come up with a rescue plan, I want to hear it. I’ll help in any way I can.”

“How, Magician?” Selena scoffed. “You can’t walk without a crutch. I can’t draw my bow. How do we take on an army? Joules and Gabriel were our best option.”

“I’ll infiltrate the camp,” I said. “Finn can disguise me as a soldier before I set out.” If his illusion would last that long. “He doesn’t have to leave the fort. Once I’m across the river, I’ll put the guards to sleep with my spores.”

“The camp’s enormous,” Selena said. “How will we know which tent Jack’s in?”

We? “The wolf can track his scent.” Cyclops chuffed, his exhalation stoking the fire.

Finn adjusted his splint. “In my condition, I don’t know if I can cloak an enormous wolf. People are easier.”

“Besides, we can’t cross the river by boat.” Selena tapped the arrow against her chin. “It’s controlled by the High Priestess. If we get anywhere near the water, she’ll drag us down to the deep.”

Terror from the abyss! “She’s here? Is she working with the Lovers?” We all glanced at Matthew for an answer, but he stared at his hand. Which meant the subject was closed for him.

I turned back to Selena. “You keep saying we. As you told me, you can’t draw a bow.”

“I guess I’ll use a pistol. Or a sword. Even injured, I still have my superhuman reflexes and strength.” Her modesty too!

I vacillated, then nodded. “Okay, we’ll have to figure out another way across. Is there a bridge?”

“A few miles away,” Selena said. “The one where J.D. got nabbed. The Azey patrols it heavily.”

With each of her words, my hopes sank. How to get to Jack? How to get to . . .

An idea arose. “If we can’t go across the river or around it, then we’ll go above it.”


“I’m getting Gabriel to take us over.”

Selena rolled her dark brown eyes. “Jesus, ditz. Pop some Adderall. They just got through saying they wouldn’t get involved for anything less than Death.”

“Did they say it? I have a feeling Gabriel will help me.” Because I was going to get Selena to flirt with him. Desperate times . . . “They might have this mercenary thing going, but who says he can’t moonlight?”

“He’s a decent dude,” Finn said. “Can’t hurt to ask him one on one.”

“I’ll just go talk to him.” I turned to the Archer. “I’ll let you know what happens, when I get a spare minute.”

Selena’s reaction? Her signature the hell expression. “Fine! I’ll show you where their tent is.” She draped a coat over her shoulders like a cape.

I turned to Cyclops. “You’re going to stay here with Finn and Matthew.” Talking to the animal always made me feel ridiculous (though he was smarter than most beasts—and I might actually be communicating with Lark).

In CLC, the loony bin I’d been clapped up in, patients had only been allowed to watch classic shows on cable, like Lassie. I feared any second I was going to say, “What’s that, Cyclops? Timmy fell down a Prepper well?”

Selena and I had barely exited the tent before she started criticizing me. “Talk about a long shot. Joules and Gabe are like”—she raised two twined fingers—“this. They’ve had a whirlwind bromance. I’m giving us a one in a billion chance. Which means you’re an idiot.”

I glared. “Do you know how climbing ivy clings to brick? It pokes and pokes until it finds a weak spot to burrow into. We can do the same. Unless you’ve got something better to occupy your time?”

She pursed her lips. But she must’ve seen I was at my limit, because she said, “I’m here, aren’t I?”

“Okay, let’s talk Lovers.” When Matthew had given me my memories of previous games, he’d said they would come sporadically (in order to guard my sanity—har).

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