"Do you care if I drive?" Keith asked.

I shook my head and we got into the other SUV. I pulled a laptop out from under the seat and booted it up.

Keith started the car, looked at the address in the file and then headed out of the parking lot.

"Looks like its picking up," he said.

"It sure has."

My phone rang and I put it on speaker.


"It's Amy. We have a floor plan. I'm sending it to your screen and your PDA's."

The floor plans popped up on the screen. Keith glanced over and then continued driving. "All right got it."

"There are a few offices and a main room. There are six men in the main room and four more spread out in the offices. Pete and Jeff will enter from the northeast and head to the main room. You two will enter from the southeast and do the same. SWAT has set up a perimeter and Hazmat is on standby."

"Anything else?"

"They should have the Anthrax properly stored but be careful."

"Copy that."

I hung up the phone. Keith had just turned left on 16th St.

"We're almost there."

"Okay. Pull into the alley behind the warehouse so we can keep a low profile."


My phone rang again. "Andrews."

"Amanda. It's Bryan."

Crap. What the hell was he calling for? "Bryan, look I can't talk now, I'm working."

"I'm sorry. It's just I miss you and I wanted to know if you were free tonight, baby," he said softly and seductively.

I knew what that meant and was disgusted. How could he ask for a one night stand, did he think I was desperate? Did he think that little of me? Well, I wasn't going to put up with it. "No, Bryan. I'm not. You made the decision now you deal with it. And don't call again."

I slammed the phone shut and blinked back tears. All those times I thought it was my fault for working: the missed dinner dates, him forgetting important dates, and the fights through the last year. But, he really hadn't loved me like I thought he did, which hurt. Our relationship fell apart not only because of me but because it was a sham. He had used me. Amy had been right all along, I should've listened to her. The last two years had been a waste. In the past year I doubt he even cared about me, he probably knew I'd break it off when asked to choose between him and the job which would leave him free. Why had I been so blind? It was because I hadn't had anyone to compare him too, but I did now. I had thought he was the one, but I knew now he wasn't. I think I had known deep down but hadn't wanted to accept it. I-- "You okay?" Keith asked quietly interrupting my thoughts.

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