"I'm sorry; I normally don't cry this much its just-"

"It's been one hell of a day."

"Yeah, that and I've never told anyone about my Dad."

"Well, anytime you need to talk, I'm here." I kissed him softly, thanking him for just being there.

After we finished eating, Keith picked up the wrappers and cleaned up the mess. He took the trash to the kitchen.

"I'm going to go change, make yourself comfortable." He said as he headed into the hallway.

I took off my shoes and stretched out. I glanced over to see Bailey asleep in her bed and I smiled. I already loved Keith's place, and I hoped to be spending lots of time here. I wanted to learn all the little things about him, like the way he scratched his face when he was nervous or the way he said yeah instead of yes. I knew there was so much to learn about him, his life, his family yet I felt like I had known him for so long. Every moment with him seemed so perfect, it seemed as though all the time I had spent without him was meaningless, like I had been living up to this point only waiting to be together with him. I knew somehow that I found the one I hadn't even been searching for. Now, I felt like we were meant to be.

Keith came back in and stood beside the sofa. He had changed into a pair of grey shorts and a dark-blue tee shirt.

"I, uh, thought maybe you'd like to change so I have a pair of my old basketball shorts and a tee shirt." He scratched the side of his face. I grinned.

I got up and took the clothes from his hands. "Yeah, this isn't very comfortable." I kissed him for being so thoughtful and then I went down the hall to the bathroom. I used the restroom, changed, and let my hair down.

I went back into the living room and found Keith asleep on the couch. I smiled and decided there was room for two so I climbed over him and then laid down beside him. I rested my head on his chest and put my arm over his.

He stirred. "Sorry. Do you want me to move?"

"Nope. I'm perfectly happy right here."

He put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. "Night, sweetheart."

"Night, babe." I love you.

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