"Mr. Cyrus." Keith dropped the file on the desk. "It seems as if you have gotten yourself into some trouble." Cyrus said nothing as Keith sat down on the opposite side of the table. "We can make this easy or hard. Your choice."

Cyrus glared at Keith. "I've nothing to tell you."

"We'll see about that." Keith nodded to Travis who grabbed the blindfold and ear muffs, and hooked up the devices. Cyrus would be deprived of all of his five senses for the next twenty minutes causing him anxiety and disorientation. Keith turned up the thermostat as he left the room.

Keith left to the use the restroom and then while he watched the screens I did the same.

I walked back in the room and sat beside Keith. "How's he doing?"

"He's breaking a sweat," Keith replied. He paused as he looked at me. "So, turns out today is a busy day."

"Yeah, ready to pull an all nighter?"

"Yep. Good thing I got good night's sleep and didn't let my buddy, Mark talk me into staying at the bar last night."

I chuckled. "I'm hoping for some kind of break. I'm exhausted and it's only-" I checked my watch nearly groaning, "5:06."

"That late already?" I nodded as I stifled a yawn. "You didn't have a good night's sleep I take it?"

"Nope, I was having trouble sleeping. I let something bother me and it only became clear how stupid I was in letting it. It was a mistake and I wish I hadn't been so blind." I shook my head in frustration.

He reached over and took my hand in his. "We all make mistakes; they help us see how good something is when it finally comes along."

"You couldn't be more right," I said as I looked at him. I squeezed his hand as he gave me a tender look.

Travis entered the other room; Keith got up and walked back into the other room. Travis removed the blindfold and earmuffs.

I looked at the hi-res of his eyes which now reflected anxiety and confusion. He was also heavily sweating. "He's nervous," I informed Keith.

He cleared his throat. "So, Cyrus, let's not make this any harder. We already have enough to put you away for life as a traitor to this country. You might even get the death penalty."

"You've got nothing," Cyrus sneered.

Keith said nothing as he spread the pictures out. Shock and surprise flashed across Cyrus' face for a second. "So?"

"We know this man, Grey," Keith pointed, "Is planning an attack. And it's no coincidence that we found you and the van that left a warehouse containing Anthrax in the same building complex. Unless you like to tell me why you where at that apartment?"

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