"James wants him brought back here, immediately."

"We're on our way."

"Send him with Carrie. I've got some bad news, Pete."

"What? Oh god, not Jeff!" His voice cracked and I didn't want to break the news.

"He's been shot. They're getting him to the hospital now. You may want to go."

"I shouldn't have left him..."

"You did the right thing. You couldn't let the hostile escape." I tried to assuage the guilt I knew he must be feeling. It was horrible to leave your partner only to find out that while you weren't there they had been hurt. It was worse when that partner was a close friend, and I couldn't imagine what Pete must be feeling.

"Yeah, I'm going to go to the hospital."

"I'll let James know."


"You're welcome." I took the piece out of my ear and then went over to James and brought him to speed.

"Good work. Keith is going to interrogate the man who tried to escape. I want you watching him. Hi res on his eyes, vitals signs, everything is being set up."

"You got it." I headed off to Holding Room 1.

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