I was a government agent who was well trained, and he knew it. "Dangerous? I can handle myself. You don't seem too worried. And start a family with you? You can't even tell me that you care about me!"

"Well, I would if I was more sure about where this was goin'."

"If you were sure? I'm clueless! You don't seem to care, so, sorry but I'm not giving up my career to bake cookies and drive carpools! I've worked too hard and too long to give it up! What I do is important."

"But I never know what you are doing or where you are. I don't like it." He looked like a little kid pouting because he couldn't get his way. If I wasn't so pissed off, I might have laughed.

"I've told you its classified info; if you cared you wouldn't be asking me to give up a job that I love!"

"Well, you love it more than me. Which is why I want you to choose."

My cell phone rang and I picked it up off the coffee table. "Andrews."

"Amanda, its Bill. We have a security leak; a computer hacker has gotten into one of our databases. We need you."

"I'm on my way. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

I hung up the phone and headed to my bedroom, the argument would have to wait. This was more important, a leak like that could put agents in danger and civilians if certain info got out.

"Amanda! We aren't done talking!" He ran over and grabbed me. I shot him a dirty look.

"Don't touch me. We're done talking. I chose. Now get out!" I pointed to the door taking a step towards the hall.

"So, that's it? You're not going to think about it?"

"No, things haven't been right between us for a while. This just proves it isn't going to work."

He glared at me and I glared back. "Whatever! Screw you then! See if I care." He grabbed his jacket, walked out the door and slammed it hard. I took a deep breath and locked the door, thankful that I had never given him a key. Stuart my orange tabby cat ran out of the kitchen and rubbed against me. I picked him up and cuddled him.

"Did that idiot scare you, huh? Well, he's gone for good."

Around 3:00 A.M. last night, I realized I hated him for doing what he did. I hated that I had been in a horrible relationship, and couldn't figure out why I'd stuck around so long. I decided that maybe it was the comfort of knowing after a rough day of work or a hard mission that I had someone to go to if I needed him. But, once he stopped being there, I knew I didn't need him. So, I had fallen asleep in front of the TV at 4:00 A.M., only to be rudely awoken at 7:46 by the ringing of a phone and an all too happy telemarketer selling a magic cleaning product. Hanging up and cutting her off midsentence I jumped up, took a shower, threw on a blue v-neck, a black skirt with a pair of stiletto heels, applied a little makeup and then ran out the door. Luckily I didn't get stopped for speeding as I cut a 15 minute trip into a 9 minute one. I parked my silver Taurus and quickly ran into the building. By the time I had arrived at the Counter Terrorist Center or CTC, it was 8:27. I was almost thirty minutes late.

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