After we arrived at medical, and entered one of the exams rooms I sat down on the bed/exam table and Keith headed back to work promising me he would be back later.

Kim Delaney, CTC's resident doctor walked in. She was a petite woman with curly black hair, and almond shaped brown eyes. She was a straight to the point, fix you up and shove you out the door, kind of doctor. Although she wasn't friendly or talkative she was good at what she did and she had saved a few agents lives on more than one occasion.

"So, gunshot wound to the upper right arm?"

"Yes. The paramedic said it wasn't too bad."

She removed the bandages and examined the wound. "You're lucky it's just a minor injury a few stitches and you'll be good to go."

I nodded. "Lucky me, huh?"

Kim nodded as she left the room. She came back with a tray of medical supplies, stitching thread, alcohol pads, numbing medication, and some bandages.

She sat down beside the bed, on a black stool, and went straight to work. She cleaned out the wound, injected the needle in my arm to numb it and then quickly stitched up the hole. She then applied dressing and the bandages.

"You've got seventeen stitches and they will need to be taken out in two weeks, I can take them out or you can go to your doctor. Don't get them wet and I'll give extra bandages to keep it clean."

"Thanks. I'll probably just have you do it."

"That's fine. Would you like some pain medication?"

"Nothing too strong. I'd like to go back to work if that's okay."

"Just take it easy and don't go out into the field again today unless it's an absolute necessity."

"Absolute necessity. Got it."

Kim cleaned up the mess and then left. She returned with two heavy strength aspirins and a glass of water and handed them to me. I took the glass and swallowed the pills.

"Thanks. I'll be leaving in a few."

She nodded. "That's fine, but remember take it easy."


Kim left the room as I leaned back against the bed. I rested for a few minutes gathering my strength. I then got up to use the restroom, and left medical. Next I went to the locker room to change back into my work clothes. Letting my hair down I brushed it out. I then checked the time and saw that it was almost 2 o'clock. I doubted that Keith had the chance to get lunch yet so I headed to the cafeteria and bought two turkey sandwiches, two bags of Doritios and two Pepsis. As I made my way to his desk, I met Amy in the hallway. Copyright 2016 - 2024