Geronimo, the watchmen, and Julio soon reached the residence of Mr. Van de

Werve. He knocked, and was immediately admitted.

The young gentleman again thanked Julio with the liveliest gratitude for

his assistance, and promised to tell his master how courageously he had

acted, and the eminent services he had rendered him.

Julio bade adieu, and hastened to his master's dwelling. He was about to

knock, but, to his great terror, the door was opened at once, as though

some one were waiting for him.

"Is it you, Julio?" asked a man, in the darkness.

The servant recognized his master's voice, and entered the door.

"Well," said he, in a stifled tone, "is he dead?"


"Who! Geronimo?"

"On the contrary, Bufferio is dead. Geronimo ran him through the body."

"Then you have not the pocket-book?"

"Certainly not."

"And the gold crowns?"

"I gave them to Bufferio."

"Pietro Mostajo, you have betrayed me!" hissed the infuriated signor in

the ear of his servant, shaking him convulsively by the arm. "Tell me

quickly what has happened! Tremble, stupid coward! the Superintendent of

Lucca shall know who you are!"

"Ebbene che sia!" answered Julio. "Then the Signor Geronimo shall also

know who hired Bufferio to assassinate him."

A hoarse cry like a stifled groan resounded through the vestibule. The

door was closed. Copyright 2016 - 2025