And, in a while, looking down at Cleone where she knelt in his

embrace, beholding all the charm and witchery of her, the high,

proud carriage of her head, the grace and beauty of her shapely body,

soft and warm with life and youth, and love, Barnabas sighed for

very happiness; whereupon she, glancing up and meeting this look,

must needs droop her lashes at him, and blush, and tremble, all in a


"But--you are mine," said Barnabas, answering the blush. "Mine, at

last, for ever and always."

"For ever and always, dear Barnabas."

"And yet," said he, his clasp tightening, "I am so unworthy, it

almost seems that it cannot possibly be true--almost as if it were a


"Ah no, Barnabas, surely the dream is over and we are awake at last

to joy and the fulness of life. And life has given me my heart's

desire, and for you, my brave, strong, honorable man--the Future

lies all before you."

"Yes," said Barnabas, looking deep into her radiant eyes, "for me

there is the Future and--You."

And thus did happiness come to our Barnabas, when least expected, as

may it come to each of us when we shall have proved ourselves, in

some way, fit and worthy.

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