"Yes, yes--of course! But he's ill--a fit, I think."

"Have you ever seen him so before?"

"Never so bad as this. There, Barry, there, my poor fellow! Help me

to get him on the couch, will you, Beverley?"

Between them they raised that twitching form; then, as Mr. Smivvle

stooped to set a cushion beneath the restless head, he started

suddenly back, staring wide-eyed and pointing with a shaking finger.

"My God!" he whispered, "what's that? Look--look at his coat."

"Yes," said Barnabas, "we must have it off."

"No, no--it's too awful!" whimpered Mr. Smivvle, shrinking away,

"see--it's--it's all down the front!"

"If this coat is ever found, it will hang him!" said Barnabas.

"Come, help me to get it off."

So between them it was done; thereafter, while Mr. Smivvle crouched

beside that restless, muttering form, Barnabas put on his cloak and,

rolling up the torn coat, hid it beneath its ample folds.

"What, are you going, Beverley?"

"Yes--for one thing to get rid of this coat. On the table are twenty

guineas, take them, and just so soon as Barrymaine is fit to travel,

get him away, but above all, don't--"

"Who is it?" cried Barrymaine suddenly, starting up and peering

wildly over his shoulder, "w-who is it? Oh, I t-tell you there's

s-somebody behind me--who is it?"

"Nobody, Barry--not a soul, my poor boy, compose yourself!" But,

even as Mr. Smivvle spoke, Barrymaine fell back and lay moaning

fitfully and with half-closed eyes. "Indeed I fear he is very ill,


"If he isn't better by morning, get a doctor," said Barnabas,

"but, whatever you do--keep Chichester away from him. As regards

money I'll see you shan't want for it. And now, for the present,


So saying, Barnabas caught up his hat and, with a last glance at the

moaning figure on the couch, went from the room and down the stairs,

and let himself out into the dingy street.

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