And as he watched her there in the garden she would never enter, as he

reflected unhappily that probably he would see her no more--the idea

came to him.

At first he put it from him as absurd, impossible. She was, to apply a

fine word much abused, a lady; he supposedly a gentleman. Their sort

did not do such things. If he yielded to this temptation she would be

shocked, angry, and from him would slip that one chance in a thousand he

had--the chance of meeting her somewhere, some day.

And yet--and yet--She, too, had found the Agony Column entertaining

and--quite nice. There was a twinkle in her eyes that bespoke a fondness

for romance. She was human, fun-loving--and, above all, the joy of youth

was in her heart.

Nonsense! West went inside and walked the floor. The idea was

preposterous. Still--he smiled--it was filled with amusing

possibilities. Too bad he must put it forever away and settle down to

this stupid work!

Forever away? Well-On the next morning, which was Saturday, West did not breakfast at the

Carlton. The girl, however, did. As she and her father sat down the old

man said: "I see you've got your Daily Mail."

"Of course!" she answered. "I couldn't do without it. Grapefruit--yes."

She began to read. Presently her cheeks flushed and she put the paper


"What is it?" asked the Texas statesman.

"To-day," she answered sternly, "you do the British Museum. You've put

it off long enough."

The old man sighed. Fortunately he did not ask to see the Mail. If he

had, a quarter way down the column of personal notices he would have

been enraged--or perhaps only puzzled--to read: CARLTON RESTAURANT: Nine A.M. Friday morning. Will the young woman who

preferred grapefruit to strawberries permit the young man who had two

plates of the latter to say he will not rest until he discovers some

mutual friend, that they may meet and laugh over this column together?

Lucky for the young man who liked strawberries that his nerve had failed

him and he was not present at the Carlton that morning! He would

have been quite overcome to see the stern uncompromising look on the

beautiful face of a lady at her grapefruit. So overcome, in fact, that

he would probably have left the room at once, and thus not seen the

mischievous smile that came in time to the lady's face--not seen that

she soon picked up the paper again and read, with that smile, to the end

of the column. Copyright 2016 - 2025