In this mood, bordering on the hysterical (which is sometimes but a

step to supreme courage), Durga Ram, so-called Umballa, and the council

found her. The face of the former was cold, his eyes steady and


"Has your majesty decided?" asked the eldest of the council.

"Yes," quietly.

"And your decision is?"

"No, absolutely and finally. There is no reason why I should obey any

of your laws; but there is a good reason why all of you shall some day

be punished for this outrage."

"Outrage! To be made queen of Allaha?" The spokesman for the council

stamped his foot in wrath.

"Think!" said Umballa.

"I have thought. Let us have no more of this cat-and-mouse play. I

refuse to marry you. I'd much prefer any beggar in the street. There

is nothing more to be said."

"There are worse things than marriage."

"What manner of indignities have you arranged for me?" Her voice was

firm, but the veins in her throat beat so hardily that they stifled her.

Said the spokesman of the council: "We have found a precedent. We find

that one hundred and ninety years ago a like case confused the council

of that day. They finally agreed that she must submit to two ordeals

with wild beasts of the jungle. If she survived she was to be

permitted to rule without hindrance. It would be a matter for the gods

to decide."

"Are you really human beings?" asked Kathlyn, her lips dry. "Can you

possibly commit such a dreadful crime against one who has never harmed

you, who asks for nothing but the freedom to leave this country?"

Pundita secretly caught Kathlyn's hand and pressed it.

"Once more!" said Umballa, his compassion touched for the first time.

But he had gone too far; for the safety of his own head he must go on.

"I am ready!"

The four men salaamed gravely. They turned, the flowing yellow robes

of the council fluttering in the wind, the sun lighting with green and

red fires the hilt of Umballa's sword. Not one of them but would have

emptied his private coffers to undo what he had done. It was too late.

Already a priest had announced the ordeals to the swarming populace.

You feed a tiger to pacify him; you give a populace a spectacle.

That night Umballa did not rest particularly well. But he became

determined upon one thing: no actual harm should befall Kathlyn. He

would have a marksman hidden near by in both ordeals. What a woman!

She was a queen, and he knew that he would go through all the hells of

Hind to call her his. Long ere this he would have looted the treasure

chests and swept her up on his racing elephant had he dared. Sa'adi's

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