To walk across country without much regard to roads was not new

to Tess, and she showed her old agility in the performance. The

intercepting city, ancient Melchester, they were obliged to pass

through in order to take advantage of the town bridge for crossing a

large river that obstructed them. It was about midnight when they

went along the deserted streets, lighted fitfully by the few lamps,

keeping off the pavement that it might not echo their footsteps.

The graceful pile of cathedral architecture rose dimly on their left

hand, but it was lost upon them now. Once out of the town they

followed the turnpike-road, which after a few miles plunged across an

open plain. Though the sky was dense with cloud, a diffused light from some

fragment of a moon had hitherto helped them a little. But the moon

had now sunk, the clouds seemed to settle almost on their heads, and

the night grew as dark as a cave. However, they found their way

along, keeping as much on the turf as possible that their tread might

not resound, which it was easy to do, there being no hedge or fence

of any kind. All around was open loneliness and black solitude, over

which a stiff breeze blew.

They had proceeded thus gropingly two or three miles further when

on a sudden Clare became conscious of some vast erection close in

his front, rising sheer from the grass. They had almost struck

themselves against it.

"What monstrous place is this?" said Angel. "It hums," said she.

"Hearken!" He listened. The wind, playing upon the edifice, produced a booming

tune, like the note of some gigantic one-stringed harp. No other

sound came from it, and lifting his hand and advancing a step or

two, Clare felt the vertical surface of the structure. It seemed to

be of solid stone, without joint or moulding. Carrying his fingers

onward he found that what he had come in contact with was a colossal

rectangular pillar; by stretching out his left hand he could feel a

similar one adjoining. At an indefinite height overhead something

made the black sky blacker, which had the semblance of a vast

architrave uniting the pillars horizontally. They carefully entered

beneath and between; the surfaces echoed their soft rustle; but they

seemed to be still out of doors. The place was roofless. Tess drew

her breath fearfully, and Angel, perplexed, said-"What can it be?"

Feeling sideways they encountered another tower-like pillar, square

and uncompromising as the first; beyond it another and another. The

place was all doors and pillars, some connected above by continuous

architraves. "A very Temple of the Winds," he said. Copyright 2016 - 2025