“I am such an ass.” He pulled Mara into his arms and kissed her softly on the cheek. “I didn’t use protection. Is there any chance you're on the pill?”

Mara's eyes widened before she shook her head slowly. “No, I always had weird reactions to the pill. But I’m pretty sure the timing is wrong, anyway.”

Trent flipped the water off with a twist of his wrist and then scooped her up in his arms. “Let's get you dried off and in bed. Then I can give you the birthday present that started it all.”

She allowed him to lift her, resting her head gently on his shoulder. It was stupid but the gesture instantly made him feel stronger. The hidden caveman inside him wanted to carry her off, kill her something with his bare hands and then feed it to her. He wanted to protect her and make love to her.

And one day watch her grow round with their child.

“Man, you are one sick bastard,” he muttered to himself as he stepped over the threshold of the tub into the cooler air of the bathroom.

“What’s that?” Mara blinked up at him sleepily.

He cuddled her against him for a moment before snagging one of the thick towels on the rack. “Nothing, princess.” He set her gently on her feet and toweled her off quickly. He rubbed most of the water off his own body before folding the towel and placing it neatly back on the rack.

He followed Mara back into her bedroom and watched as she straightened the bed covers before climbing in. She scooted over and made room for him. He slid beneath the covers. She crawled over and plastered herself to him.

“I’m so tired. You wore me out.” Her voice sounded deeper, heavy with fatigue. Her hand trailed gently over his chest until it suddenly stopped. He looked down.

She was asleep.

Trent took a moment to reflect back on the day, aware of just how lucky he was that everything had turned out well. It could have just as easily been a fiasco from their ill-timed kiss on the couch, to him being found looking at her vibrator, to his forgetting the condom.

He’d never had such a disaster of a day turn into one of the best nights of his life. But at the end, he was cuddled up in bed, warm and cozy with the woman he loved.

It just didn’t get any better than this.

The sudden sound of the phone ringing jolted Trent out of a deep sleep. He dragged a rough hand over his face and shook his head hard. Who the hell would call at this hour? Unless something had happened to one of his parents? Or Mara?

His hand rooted around until he pulled the phone out of its cradle.

“Hello?” His voice sounded about two octaves deeper, rusty with sleep. Next to him, someone stirred and he remembered where he was. And that he wasn’t answering his own phone.

“Who the hell is this?”

He'd know the gravelly voice anywhere. Matt had always sounded like a drill sergeant, even before he’d become one.

“Shit.” For a moment, Trent panicked and, the next thing he knew, he heard the dial tone.

“Crap. Mara, I just hung up on your brother.”

Her head popped up, her wild curls flying around her face in a swirl. “You did what?”

Before he could answer, the phone rang again. He handed it to Mara wordlessly. Not that she needed the headset. Matt’s voice could probably be heard in the next county.

“Tell your new boyfriend that I’m going to rip him a new one if he ever hangs up on me again. Who the hell is that, Mara?”

Mara sat up straight and her eyes went to Trent. “It was an accident, Matty. I was trying to grab the phone.”

“And why is he answering your phone at this time of night anyway?”

Mara rolled her eyes. “I love you too, Matt. I’m so glad you called. How are you?”

The rest of their conversation was too muffled for Trent to hear but he could imagine it wasn’t good. Mara didn’t look too happy when she hung up.

“Sorry about that. He doesn’t get to use the satellite phone that often so sometimes he has to call at really weird times. I should have thought of that, should have warned you.”

Trent sat up and pulled her against his chest. “You shouldn’t have to do any of that. You shouldn’t have to hide who you’re dating from Matt.”

He chuckled. “I knew I was getting off too easy. Now I’ve pissed him off and he doesn’t even know it’s me. I have no idea how to tell him.”

Mara smiled. “It’ll be another month before he’s back home so we don’t need to worry about it right now. Let’s go back to sleep.”

They slid back beneath the covers and Mara settled against his chest. But it was a long time before either of them fell asleep.


Mara was floating, her body tethered to a cloud. Soft tendrils of mist swirled over her arms and legs, tickling her belly, sliding over her nipples. She whimpered as the mist-like fingers danced between her thighs, avoiding the place she needed them most.

She opened her eyes to the image of Trent kneeling over her, his eyes darkening when he saw she was awake. His tongue darted out and traced the opening of her body. Mara gripped the sheets between her fists as she struggled not to come.

“Good morning to you, too,” she panted. She was rewarded with another deep, sensuous tongue lashing. The man was a maestro with that thing and she was more than happy to be the instrument he practiced on.

“When I woke, you were in the most interesting position. I couldn't resist.” He groaned when she clenched around his tongue. She took her breasts in her hands and rolled the tips through her fingers.

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