
Now she just had to get him to relax. Much easier said than done. After her yoga torture session, the poor guy was strung tighter than her grandma’s clothesline.

She bustled back to the kitchen and scooped up the bread basket and the bottle of wine. That didn’t leave much room for her to hold the two empty wine glasses but she managed to hook them into the cradle of her arm. A second later, she deposited it all on the coffee table with a distinctive clank.

“Mara, all you had to do was ask for help.” Trent sounded faintly amused. She wrinkled her nose at him. He treated her like a cross between a friend and an annoying little sister. Something she hoped would change this weekend.

“It’s okay. I got it all. Wine?” She poured two glasses before he answered and took a healthy gulp of hers.

She was nervous as hell and the wary look on his face didn’t help any.

They settled on the couch and picked up their plates, the silence between them comfortable. She loved when they just spent casual time together like this. Trent didn’t need to fill the silence with meaningless chatter. The night only had a few awkward moments, such as when she caught Trent staring at her mouth while she ate. She'd licked her fork and his eyes had widened.

After that, he didn’t look up anymore.

He ate his lasagna with hearty appreciation. It was nice to see him enjoying something she’d cooked. She didn’t get to pamper him nearly enough.

When he finished, he set his plate down and stretched out, resting his arms on the back of the couch. “That was great. I haven’t had good home-cooked lasagna in forever.”

Mara sent him a sly look. “Didn’t what’s-her-name ever cook for you?” She couldn’t help the sneer in her voice. Trent’s last girlfriend had been a bona fide bitch.

Trent didn’t answer right away but the corners of his lips turned up. “I’m going to plead the Fifth on that one. I know better than to incriminate myself.”

“Uh huh. I’ll take that as a no, then.” Mara cleared their plates and then refilled both their wine glasses. The movie on the screen had ended and the credits were rolling. She’d been so focused on Trent’s thigh rubbing up against hers that she’d barely paid any attention to the plot.

When she leaned across him to place his wine glass on the side table next to him, their arms touched. He stiffened but didn’t move. When she turned to look at him, their faces were so close they were almost kissing.

It’s now or never. Just do something.

Mara leaned closer and brushed her lips against his. He stilled, his dark eyes going soft and slumberous as he regarded her from beneath lowered lashes.

“Mara? What are you doing?” he whispered.

She leaned forward and captured his lips in another soft kiss before nipping his lower lip gently. “I’m kissing you.” Then she swung her leg up and settled into his lap.

Their mouths merged in a kiss so deep and wet Mara forgot her surroundings. Trent tunneled a hand into her hair and steadied her as he took control of the kiss, the little bite of pain as he gripped her hair a complete turn-on. He licked into her mouth and sucked her bottom lip gently. She let out a soft sigh as she settled against an impressive erection.

Where’s he been hiding that?

“Whoa, wait a minute.” Trent pulled back suddenly and deposited her none too gently on the couch next to him.

“What’s the matter? Why’d you stop?” Mara pulled her knees up to her chest, feeling suddenly vulnerable. When Trent turned to her with guilt-stricken eyes, she felt even worse.

“Oh, I get it. I’m not your type or whatever.” Mara resisted the urge to point out his continued erection. She knew all too well a guy could get turned on by a woman he didn't even particularly like.

“It’s not that, Mara. You’re gorgeous. You’re any man’s type. But this is not a good idea. For a lot of reasons.” Trent ran his hands through his hair until the ends stood up in wild disarray. “You're like my little sister for Christ's sake.”

“I am not your sister.” Mara looked at the half empty wine glasses on the table, watching the way the lamplight glowed on the edges of the glass. Anything was better than looking into his eyes as he figured out a way to let her down easy. She had more pride than that.

“You know what I mean. Look, I should probably take off.” Trent made a show of going over to the window to look outside. Mara watched the steady snowfall from her seat on the couch.

Her stomach clenched. He’d really have to leave soon or risk being caught out in a blizzard. Some birthday this turned out to be. A little wine, an old movie and … a big fat rejection. Her plan for seduction had failed miserably. Even worse, now they would act all awkward around each other.

“Well, thanks for coming by so I didn’t have to celebrate alone.” She tried not to let her disappointment come through in her voice. It wasn’t his fault that she’d expected more from the evening.

“I’ll just use your bathroom before I go. It looks like it might be a slow ride getting home.” Trent flashed a quick grin before ducking down the hall.

Mara carried their wine glasses to the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher before coming back to sit on the couch. She leaned forward and peered at the bathroom door, noting that the light remained on. Ten more minutes passed before she got up and stood by the door.

“What the hell is he doing in there?” she muttered. She almost knocked before realizing the potential for embarrassment. Copyright 2016 - 2024