"Well?" Alex repeated.

"Goddamn right she is." He said in a low, determined voice.

Alex shook his head and sat down on the sand. He was on fire and his emotions were everywhere. He had never heard his brother talk like this about anyone. The fortune; being rich was all he had ever seemed to care about. That and banging as many babes as humanly possible in every spare moment he could find. Was he just trying to torture him?

"Just for that one time?" He whispered.

Sebastian nodded.

"Are you kidding me? It's the difference between doing it with a blow up doll and having a real live woman. No other girl has ever made me feel that way, emotionally or physically. My whole body was on fire. I just wanted to make love to her forever and hear her scream my name over and over and over again."

"Shut up, shut up, just shut up!" Alex was on his feet and shouting. Sebastian backed away.

"Jesus Alex, simmer down. What is she to you anyway?"

"Goddamn it, you know what she is to me. She's The One."

"The one? What one exactly are you talking about? You mean the next one?"

Alex advanced towards his brother.

"There's no Melanie around now to save your short, skinny little ass this time, kid brother."

Sebastian stood his ground.

"You think I won't fight for her? Just because you think you can kick my ass every time you feel like it? Trust me, if you'd had what I've just had then you'd fight, no matter what the odds. I'm not giving her up. Ever. Not this time, not any time."

Alex came closer.

"But you said it yourself; it's me she wants, not you."

"You think I can't convince her to take me? After all, what's the difference really? A birthmark on an ass cheek? That can be easily arranged. Did you hear her beg me to fuck her back there? She may be upset now but trust me, no woman can experience that kind of desire and then not come back for more. She may think it's you she wants but it's never going to get any better than what she just had."

Alex lunged at his brother and the two began to wrestle in the sand. It was perfect. Alex pounded his brother in the jaw and brought him down. They had often wrestled and sparred, and both were accomplished martial artists, but this was a blow that meant business. The gloves were well, truly and literally off.

Sebastian recovered quickly and sent his knee into his brother's rib cage, but Alex blocked the blow and pounded his brother in the solar plexus instead, doubling him over. Then he pounded his back as he went down. Within seconds, he had Sebastian face down in the sand, straddling him, his right arm twisted painfully behind his back.

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