"Not as many as me."

"Granted. But a gynecologist probably sees fewer women than you do."

"I don't know what you think I am."

"Lost is what I think you are, which is why I want you to just back off from Melanie. You don't need to add her to your list of conquests."

"Oh, so you're allowed love her but I'm not? I don't get the distinction. How am I any different to you where she's concerned?"

"I've been looking for someone to get serious with for over a year while you sleep with anything that moves, insisting that I'm crazy. Then as soon as I find the girl I want, you suddenly fall in love with her too?"

"Yeah, exactly. Why is that so hard to understand? While we're at it, let me come clean as well. I'll admit that when you told me you had fallen in love at first sight, I thought you were just in need of a good blow--"

"Don't go there."

"--whatever. A good time. When you said it was with a flight attendant, I thought you must be jetlagged or overworked. When you said it was a Drummond employee, I figured you had lost your mind and I was determined to save you from your own stupidity. When I heard that Melanie already had a relationship with another Drummond employee--"


"Didn't you know? She was seeing Mitch McGovern until very recently."

"How the hell would you even know that?"

"Don't look so surprised. Melanie told me. Maybe she trusts me more than you. Did that ever occur to you?"

"It's bullshit. She knows who we are. Why would she risk getting herself and Mitch fired by telling you?"

"If you don't believe me, then just go and ask her. I'm curious to find out if she'll even tell you."

Alex glared at the brother he loved and trusted his whole life. He had never felt anything like hatred for him before, but there's a first time for everything.

"Okay, I'll ask her. But it won't make any difference one way or the other -- not to me anyway. It won't be me that passes that on to Human Resources, even if it were true."

"It is true. So, when I heard that I thought, 'Okay, this girl is trouble'. She's willing to take risks and she has a big mouth. It's a very bad combination."

"So if you're scared, just keep away from her. Maybe Mitch could get away with seeing her but you know as well as I do that she's off limits for us."

"Now that truly is bullshit." Sebastian said. "The Drummond uniform never stopped the old man from getting what or even who he wanted."

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