"Shut up, little brother. Let her decide for God's sake."

She put her finger to her lips to shush them both and felt a thrill of pleasure as the two tall hunks lapsed into silence. She wondered what else she could command them to do before they would rebel.

"Turn around again."

The two faced her again and with a trembling hand, Melanie reached up and ran her fingers through the taller one's hair. He closed his eyes as her hand found its way through the thick locks of his mane. She thought she heard him sigh and broaden his chest slightly as she touched him. He was obviously loving it but struggling to conceal it. She softened her touch but continued to stroke his mane.

By God, if you are lying to me Drummond Junior, you are going to suffer for it. She thought as she ran her fingers slowly across his brow and into his lush hair. He could smell her close to him and the truth was that it was driving him wild. He had been longing for her touch since the moment they met, but obviously not here, with his stupid brother standing next to him. The last thing he wanted was a damned erection right there out in the open, next to his sibling. If he didn't know any better, he would have said that Melanie was trying to provoke him.

"How long is this going to take?" He said in a low voice, his eyes still closed.

"It'll take as long as it takes." She said softly. Just as long as it takes you to crack you big, beautiful man.

She decided that was enough for now. He could recover himself, if he was able, and then she would return to him for more. It was time to see how the other one reacted.

She stepped to the brother who she felt was slightly smaller; the one without the armband or distinguishing crescent moon on his ass. He stared back at her brazenly and intently, his dark brown eyes filled with unreadable shadows. She stepped in closer to hold his gaze as she reached a hand up to his hair. A jolt of electricity crackled between them at the first touch and he smiled at the sound. Melanie involuntarily returned the smile as his brother fixed them with a brooding stare. She returned her stung hand to his hair and he bristled underneath her caress as though he longed to take her wholly, bodily, there and then.

This was different, so entirely different than his brother. There could be no doubt. Underneath that mouthwatering exterior, these men were two very different animals. There was nothing restrained here. This was pure, naked desire, ready to be unleashed at a moment's notice. Her hand shook and her legs wobbled beneath her.

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