"Who cares? Probably working out or doing something dumb like that. Wondering how he can be Number One out of the three people on this tiny island."

Melanie didn't respond. She didn't want to hear them talk bad about each other because she knew one of them was lying, and to listen to lies like that would just make her stop liking them at all.

"You know I don't want to hear you talk trash about each other."

"I'm sorry Melanie, forgive me. Look, the important thing is that you're here. We are here -- you and me -- so we can get to know each other better."

Her heart began to race. He was so close to her and they were alone, surrounded by the most beautiful sunset, ocean, and forest she had ever seen.

"I mean, it's been a whole week now and it's time for us to catch up to where we left off."

"Where did we leave off?"

It seemed he leaned in a little closer to her as he spoke. She could feel his warm breath on her cheek.

"I was hoping you would remember by yourself because if I just tell you, well, you might not--"

"I might not what?"

He reached out his hand to her, brushing her long, sun-bleached hair gently aside and softly caressed her cheek. She didn't resist.

"Look, it's just better if you remember yourself, okay?"

He leaned in a little closer to her. His warm clean masculine smell surrounded her. She could just make out his strong jawline in the twilight and the careless tussle of his dark, wavy brown hair.

"Hey guys?" A voice came through the brush. "I have a couple of pheasants on the spit by the barbecue. Oh yeah, and a lobster tail, too." He added sardonically.

The man next to her rolled his eyes.

"The lobster tail is yours, smart guy."

"No way. It's all yours; you know how you love that stuff."

Melanie didn't get the whole deal with the lobster tails. Both of them had made a big thing of not eating it for the whole week. Obviously, it had some significance.

"I'd like the lobster tail please." She said.

There was a short silence, then a chuckle next to her.

"Hey, go ahead and give me one of those things, bro." He said. "They might grow on me, you never know."

Melanie smiled as well. There was something irresistible about this man; these men. Even if the subterfuge and silliness of them not wanting to tell her their real names or which one of them preferred lobster was kind of juvenile and crazy.

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